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Shawnmendes: They just had to get a picture, but love it anyways

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Shawnmendes: They just had to get a picture, but love it anyways. I love you baby so much❤. I don't know what we would be doing if we never met, but I'm glad we did. I'm going to miss you more than anything when I'm gone to see my family.

👤: add.johnson
❤: add.johnson, ensleybaby, and 465,789 likes

Username: literally goals

Add.johnson: I love you too baby and I'll miss you so much. We'll facetime when we can.

Jackj: I hate to say it but you guys are cute

Ensleybaby: omg GOALS

Username: awwwwe

Taylorcaniff: Shawn is leaving us😭

Shawnmendes: okay bbg see you at the airport add.johnson

Carterreynolds: agh so cute

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