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Taylor: whatt

Skate: wat

JJ: I just caught Jack and Add making out

Skate: where at

JJ: in her room

Skate: well you shouldn't have walked in

Taylor: ahahaha

Carter: 😂💀

JJ: I had to ask an important question

JackG: your dumbass didn't knock

Add: we were not making out

JJ: it looked like it

JackG: no we really weren't

Shawn: I'm lost here

Add: he's overreacting guys

JackG: we only kissed twice

Cam: really

Aaron: really it's Johnson we're talking about

Shawn: it's true

Cam: yeah

JJ: you guys are just a bunch of haters

Hayes: we are your haters

The next chapter is in POV btw. It is just taking me a long time so I decided to write this. Be warned I'm not really good at doig a guys POV so it sucks.

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