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Hayes: when are you guys coming back

Ensley: 2 weeks

JJ: its pretty fun here

JackG: mama J is the best

Carter: you call their mom "mama J"

JackG: she's cool and she is pratically like a mom so, ha

Ensley: really is


Shawn: who is Hamilton

Aaron: there Shawn goes again

Nash: Addison whyy?

Addison: I didn't know your first name is Hamilton

Nash: how did you find out

Hayes: this is interesting

Nash: shut it Benjamin

Addison: I have my ways

Shawn: Hamilton?!

Carter: yes Shawn, Hamilton

Matt: what up home slices

Cam: Matt, stop just stop

Matt: what your so rude

Cam: not

Matt: are

Cam: not

Matt: are

JJ: don't even start you two

Matt: what ARE you talking about

Cam: you did NOT just do that

Matt: ARE you insane

Cam: I am NOT

Matt: sure you ARE

Addison: this is worse than dealing with Gilinsky

JackG: I'm just going to ignore that

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