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Aaron: guys I'm so bored

Ensley: can't help you

Matt: same

Addison: I got your book


Addison: yup

Shawn: I miss you guys

JJ: we miss you guys too

Addison: I miss everyone

Taylor: yeah same

Cam: we all miss everyone

Hayes: even though we had a get together two weeks ago

Addison: your telling me that two weeks ago was when that happened

Carter: um yeah, what happened?

Shawn: don't worry about it

JJ: what happened

Nash: hey guys

Addison: nothing important

Shawn: nothing happened.

Nash: did I come at the wrong time

Ensley: idek what happened

JJ: what was it

JackG: guys whats going on in here

Aaron: all I said was that I was bored not wanting to see an end to something bad

Addison: nothing happened?! Unbelievable

Hayes: wtf is going on

Cam: idk

Carter: ^

Shawn: so what Addison I said I was sorry, your overreacting.

Addison: overreacting, you kissed her back I saw it with my own eyes


JackG: oh shit

Matt: SHAWN you would never

Taylor: wtf man

Shawn: it was just a kiss

Addison: on the lips, and it sure as hell wasn't a peck

Ensley: let me at him. I'm flying to Canada to beat his ass.

JJ: I'm coming with you

Addison: I told you not to do anything that goes for you too Ens

Ensley: but he kissed a different girl

Shawn: it was going to happen anyways

Nash: wtf wym

JJ: what he said

JackG: ^

Shawn: we've been fighting

Addison: so you think that just cause we've been fighting means you can kiss someone that isn't me

Shawn: no

JJ: seems like it

Addison: ^

Shawn: Addison please

Matt: Add Shawn would never mean to do that. Ik him, I grew up with him

Shawn: Addison...

You guys love me😆

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