
3.1K 41 6

Skate: I feel like everyone is on some vacation

Ens: Cam and I are on a trip

Shawn: tour

Matt: going on tour

JackG: tour with Jack

JJ: tour also with Jack

Cam: with Ens

Hayes: around the world

Add: I'm back home

Skate: okay guys please, just stop

Luh: why don't you and Ana go somewhere

Tia: what Derek said

Sammy: ^

Skate: I am

Skate: now

Add: problem solved, now I have to go eat dinner bye

JJ: did she say at home

Ens: she ditched us for dinner

Tez: she never leaves for dinner

JackG: guys she's back home in SC with her mom chill

Matt: you know this

Stass: we didn't

JackG: duh she texted when she got there

JackG: well me at least

JJ: you knew she was leaving

Tia: betrayal

Carter: she wouldn't have told me anyways

Demi: it's okay babe

Taylor: of course she wouldn't tell you Carter

Demi: why

Stass: screenshots coming your way

Demi: is it bad

Carter: no

Tez: they're funny

Demi: alright I'm in

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