Chapter One

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Here we go.

I have to do this.

I can't be alone.

I sigh and grab my suitcase. I'm on my way to England to try to find my father and his family. My mother told me that he was living in England and that he had kids. I never knew what he looks like, sounds like, I don't know him at all. He left when I was born and I always wondered what he was like.

I give the girl my suitcase and make my way to my seat. If you didn't know, I'm on the plane now. I stare out the window for a while and I just think. I tend to think when I'm bored.

I always wondered what he was like. Why he left. Did he not like me or my mum? My mother is so beautiful, so filled with life, nobody could leave her. Well, now she's gone. It must've been because of me. Maybe I was an ugly fat baby and he didn't like me?

Whatever the reason, it caused me to be sad most of my childhood.  I always cried wondering why I wasn't good enough. I didn't have friends, I was alone. So that caused me to wonder why nobody liked me. I always had this feeling like nobody liked me and everybody secretly hated me.

Then, I cried, even more, when I thought about my father. He could be anybody, but he must be at least decent if my mother chose him. I just wanted to know who my real father was, why my mother wouldn't talk about him.I wanted to know why he left. He knows I exist, but he never went looking for me or mother.

Now I'm in my 20s. If I'm not old enough to know who my father is, I never will be. I think he has a child, but I'm not sure. Now, I have been feeling better, less worthless, but the sadness in me remained. I just wanted to know who my father was and why he left. I tried so hard to convince my mum to tell me, but she wouldn't. I felt like I was missing something. A father figure, some siblings to play with? I'm not sure. I know I'm old, but I watch these YouTubers in a group called 'The Pals' and they make me feel better and relieve me of my boredom when I'm alone.

I sighed as the plane took off, and before I knew it, I was asleep.


I collapse on the hotel bed and stare up at the ceiling. When I landed, I had to call for a taxi and when I got one, I immediately headed for the hotel. I was exhausted. I woke up in the middle of the flight, and I was awake since then. I take a quick shower and throw on some comfy clothes.

I then get under the covers and think about tomorrow. Back home, I researched about him, and I got a few addresses with the same names. I plan on going to these places and one of them has to be him. If he has kids, I'll meet them too.

It won't take one day, though. I have about twenty addresses on my notepad. Actually, it's nineteen. I had his name, which made it easier to get locations. His name is Jeffrey Extabyte. I didn't know anything else but that. And that he's like 50 something. A yawn escapes past my lips and I'm asleep shortly after. 

Lost Family (Alex Fanfiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now