Chapter Eight

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"I didn't do it! I swear! I would never!" I shout. Sub huffs and replies,"You're the one who was in my room!" I break into tears and yell,"I didn't do it Sub!" He looks mad. Like really mad. If his eyes were lasers, they would have shot through me a million seconds ago. He crosses his arm across his chest and the others walk in. Denis looks at both of us and asks,"What happened?" 

Before I can say anything, Sub answers,"She uploaded a video of me talking and showing my face!" I wipe a tear away and say,"I didn't do it, it wasn't me!" Corl is staring at me, and Denis is looking at Sub and me, trying to decide who to believe. Now that I think about it, where's Alex?

Just as I think that, Alex walks in and he senses the tension in the room. He asks,"What happened?" Sub shouts,"Y/N uploaded a video with me showing my face and talking. It has like a bunch of views!" I sigh and shout,"I didn't do it!" Sub shakes his head and says,"I wish I could believe you, I really do." I feel more tears coming out and I yell,"Then why can't you? Just believe me! It. Was. Not. Me."

Alex says,"Guys, calm down." I sink into the couch and cry my heart out on the pillow. Why can't he believe me? I'm his sister! I would never do that! I hear Sub mumble,"It's her fault. It's all her fault." That's it. I can't anymore. I stand up quickly and run to my room. I slam the door and jump onto my bed. 

I use a pillow to muffle my cries and all I can do is cry. I didn't do it. I didn't. I couldn't. 

I hear a knock on my door but I just continue to cry and no matter how hard I try to stop, I can't. I just keep on crying. It's my fault? Why is it my fault? I didn't do it. Why is everything my fault? 

If you have no idea what's going on, I'll tell you. Sub discovered a video uploaded on his channel and it was him showing his face and talking. It was a video where he was just hanging with Denis and Alex. He thinks it was me because I wasn't there and I was the last person to be in his room.

I hear several more knocks and it starts to get annoying. The knocks became continuous and I yell,"Go away!" Despite what I said, the door swings open and Alex stands there. He walks in and closes the door behind him. He sits next to me and he whispers,"I believe you."

I look at him in surprise for a while. I sniffle and ask,"You do?" He nods and says,"There's no reason not to believe you." I let a few more tears slide doesn't my face and Alex wipes them away. He lifts my head up by my chin and I look directly into his eyes. He says,"You didn't do it. I believe you. But the others don't" I nod and answer,"I know. But, why do you believe me?"

He smiles and answers,"You're his sister. Why would you do something against him. You could never do that. Not unless he gave you permission at least." I nod and say,"Thanks Alex." He furrows his eyebrows and asks,"For what?" I answer,"For believing me when nobody else will." He nods and says,"You're welcome. You're my friend and I doubt you would lie to us."

I sigh and ask,"What am I going to do? They don't trust me anymore because of something I didn't even do." Alex shrugs and says,"They'll come around. Sub can easily remove the video and they'll get over it." I nod and say,"Can we go?" He asks,"Go where?" I reply,"Anywhere, I just need some fresh air."

He nods and stands up. I stand up after him and I slip some running shoes on. He sticks his hand out and I gladly take it. We walk out and the guys are facing away from us on the couch. They haven't noticed us yet so Alex silently grabs a key and opens the door. The door creaks open, and the guys look at us. They glare at me and I walk out quickly. Alex says something but I cannot hear him.

He walks out and shuts the door behind him. He sticks his hand out again and I take it once again. We walk besides each other hand in hand. We were walking, to where I have no idea. We walk for a while and we come across a park. He leads me inside the gates. Immediately there's a thin dirt path and grass everywhere else. There's a small playground off to the side for the little ones. Thee are picnic tables and benches spread out everywhere. There are a few trees here and there, but not too many. The sun is starting to set and the shadows are dark.

There was one thing though that catches my eye. It was a simple white gazebo. It stood somewhere off with a bench in the center inside of the gazebo. Alex lead me to it and we sat down. He lets go of my hand and I set my hands on my lap. I fiddle with my fingers for a bit until Alex says,"They'll come around." I shrug and say,"We'll see." He says,"They will, trust me."

We let out a sigh at the same time and I just stare at the ground. I notice Alex adjust his glasses a bit and I look at him. His head turns to me and he says,"I think I like somebody." I stare at him in surprise and ask,"Who?" He shrugs and answers,"I'm not telling." I furrow my eyebrows together and say,"Why not?" He answers,"I'm not ready to say." I nod and say,"Let's go back?" He shakes his head and says,"Not until I can tell you." I ask,"Tell me what?"

"I like you"

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