Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming. I hear Alex in his room screaming and shouting. Is he recording maybe? I shrug and get out from under the covers. I stretch and head to the bathroom. One glance at the mirror and I see my hair a tangled mess and huge dark bags under my eyes. I shut the door and lock it, then started freshening up so I look somewhat presentable.

As I brush out my hair, I hear a knock on my door. I yell,"Come in!" My door opens and I see Sub standing there. He smiles and says,"There's breakfast downstairs." I nod and say,"Be right there." He nods and leaves. I finish up brushing my hair and then make my way downstairs.

I see Alex and Sub eating, but I don't see my dad. I look towards Alex and ask,'Where's dad?" He looks at me confused and asks,"What?" I'm about to answer when he says,"Oh, right, he went to work." I nodded and sat down across from Alex. I sat there until a plate was put in front of me.

I only had a few bites, but then I went back to my room. I collapse on my bed and after a while of staring up at the ceiling, Alex walks in. I sit up and ask,"What do you need?" Alex asks,"Do you wanna record a video with me?" I shrug and say,"Sure, what kind is it?" Alex says,"I'll be doing a q & a, finally." I nod and follow him to his room. 

He shows me some questions, and I ask,"Are we going to tell them that we're related?" Alex shakes his head and says,"No, I don't want to just yet, but it will happen, the truth will come out." I nod and we start recording.

After Alex ends the recording, Sub walks in. He asks,"Hey y/n, can you come with me?" I nod and follow him to his room. I sit on his bed and he asks,"How do you like your brother?" I furrow my eyebrows and ask,"What do you mean?" He answers,"Like, do you like him? If not, is it because he has a different mother than you, or because he got to spend his life with his dad, and not you.?" I shake my head and say,"If I like or don't like somebody, it'll be because of who they are. I can't judge somebody because of who their parents are. I can't just not like Alex because he got to be with dad instead of me. I like Alex, brother or not because he's him, I don't like him just because he's family."

Sub nods and asks,"You have good judgement then?" I shrug and say,"Mostly, if I have a bad feeling, then I act on that feeling, instead of listening to logic, and usually, I'm right, but sometimes I'm wrong. I'm human and I'll make mistakes. It's part of life." Sub nods and says,"Oh, okay, that's all I wanted to talk to you about." I nod and walk back to my room. I take out my phone and check social media, YouTube, etc.

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