Chapter Nine

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I stare at Alex in surprise and ask,"What did you say?" He clears his throat and repeats,"I like you." I laugh and say,"Oh, like as in like a friend." He shakes his head and I sigh. I ask,"Is that why you believe me?" He shakes his head and answers,"No, it's because I don't believe you could lie." I nod and ask,"Why me?"

He looks at me confused and then answers,"I'm not really sure. It's a funny thing. They're my emotions. I can't exactly control them." I nod and say,"Well, umm, I, nevermind." He just nods. 

Stupid. Why can't I tell him? It's three words. I. Like. You. If only he knew. Maybe it's not time though. Both of my parents died and I barely found out about my brother that I never knew I had. But, my brother's mad at me for something I didn't do. If only he would believe me like Alex.

Alex taps my shoulder and says,"Do you mean it?" I look at him confused and he says,"You mumbled 'I like you.'" My eyes widen and I say,"I said that out loud? I didn't mean to." He laughs and says,"You just mumbled 'I like you' but nothing else came out of your mouth. So, do you meant it?" I nod and smile sheepishly.

Alex smiles and says,"We should go back." I nod and we stand up and start to walk back to the house. As we walk he asks,"Why me?" I shrug and answer,"I'm not really sure either. It could be that you were always there for me. Or maybe it's your personality. Maybe your looks? Or maybe it's just you altogether." He smiles and says,"I like you too." I laugh and we eventually reach the house. Alex opens the door.

We walk in and all the guys are standing there and when we came in, they glared at me. Sub shouted,"Why are you back? I thought you were going to leave forever." Alex yells,"Sub can you please just SHUT UP!" Sub yells,"Why are you with her? It was her fault!" I burst into tears and Alex embraces me.

Alex says,"It wasn't her." Sub laughs and says,"That's a lie and you kno-" Sub doesn't get to finish his sentence because Alex stops embracing me and punches Sub. Alex yells,"JUST SHUT UP!" I run past Sub and up to my room. I bury my head in my pillow and hope the tears will stop. I hear somebody come upstairs and I hear my door shut close. I look up and see Alex. His nose is bleeding and he has a black eye.

I can see bruises on his arm and he sits on the edge of my bed. I sit up and sit next to him. I say,"Are you okay?" He shrugs and answers,"I'm fine." I stare at him blankly and then get a first aid kit from the bathroom. I sit next to him and first grab a tissue from the tissue box on the nightstand. I give it to him and he holds it up to his nose.

I grab a bandage and then realise that I have to clean the wound first. He follows me to the bathroom. After we get it all cleaned up, I cover his open wounds in bandages. He smiles and says,"Thanks." I nod and say,"It's the least I could do. You shouldn't have fought Sub, not for me." He shakes his head and answers,"You're worth all this pain." I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks and I stand up quickly. I put the first aid kit back in the cabinet in the bathroom and make my way back to my room.

As I'm walking back, I hear the others talking. I hear Corl say,"Guys, it was me. I was the one who recorded and uploaded that video." The second those words come out of his mouth, I yell,"It was you!" I then realise that they can't see me. I walk down the stairs and stare at them from where I was standing. Corl rubs the back of his neck and nods slowly." 

I lunge at him and it sends us both to the ground. Denis pulls me up and I struggle against his grip. Corl groans in pain and Denis finally lets me go. I run up to my room and Alex looks worried. He asks,"What happened?" I answer,"It was Corl. It was him. I heard." Alex's eyes widen and he yells,"What?" I nod and say,"I'm tired. Goodnight."

He nods and stands up. He winces in pain but he keeps walking. He says,"Goodnight y/n" before walking out and closing the door behind him. A lot happened today. 

Lost Family (Alex Fanfiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now