Chapter Eleven

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I wake up in a small room. It has a bean bag chair over a rug next to a bookshelf. The bed I'm in is a small twin sized bed and is covered with white blankets. The walls are a sort of peachy color and the carpet on the floor is a basic brown color. There is a small dark brown nightstand next to the bed with a lamp and my phone on it. I sit up on the bed and stretch my arms.

I turn my phone on and check my notifications. I notice that I have some missed calls. I check how many missed calls I have and almost drop my phone when I see the number. 26 missed calls? Oh right. I forgot to tell the guys where I was going to be staying. I get out of bed and remake the bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and go on my phone.

I quickly send a quick text to Alex saying I'm fine and I just slept over at a friend's house. He didn't reply yet, but he's probably sleeping or eating or anything really. I set my phone back down on the nightstand and me walk out of the room. I walk down the stairs and come across the kitchen. I walk around a little more and come across the living room.

It's a basic living room. Two couches, an armchair, coffee table and tv. I collapse on the couch and groan loudly. I feel so tired but I'm not sleepy. Maybe I'm mentally or emotionally exhausted. I don't know anymore.

"Are you having sex with my couch?" I quickly sit up and see Alec standing there in sweats. Baggy sweats. And no shirt. I say,"No, it was a groan, not a moan, you idiot." He just shrugs and says,"Whatever you say." I laugh and he asks,"Want some breakfast?" I shake my head and say,"I should go back to my friend's house. All my stuff is there and I'm not sure they know where I am."

He nods and asks,"Want me to drop you off?" I nod and say,"Sure." I give him the address and he drives me back.


I wave goodbye to Alec as he pulls out of the driveway. When he turns the corner, I ring the doorbell. In no time, the door swings open. Before I can process what's happening, I'm grabbed and pulled inside. I'm being embraced and I try to pull away but their grip on me is too strong. It starts to get difficult to breathe.

I place my head on top of their shoulder and say,"Can't. Breathe. Let. Go." The grip gets lighter and the person pulls back and I see Alex. He grips my shoulders and asks,"Where were you?" I say,"I was at a friend's house." He looks at me suspiciously and asks,"Why didn't you tell me? The guys and I were worrying ever since you didn't come back yesterday." 

I smile sheepishly and say,"Sorry, but I texted you this morning." He laughs nervously and removes his arms from my shoulders. He says,"I was trying to call you and then my phone dies, and then I told the guys but they were no help." I nod and say,"Well I'm here now, Alec just dropped me off."

He looks at me confused and asks,"I was here though." I laugh and say,"Alec, not Alex. He's a friend and he lives here." Alex nods and asks,"Did he take care of you when you were staying over?" I nod and say,"I just slept in the guest room. He offered breakfast but I told him I wanted to come back here." Alex nods and asks,"Is he a good person? Does he have any criminal record? Has he ever been charged with rape or sexual assault?"

I laugh and say,"No, Alex, he's a great person, you should really meet him." Alex nods and says,"Alright, I guess I can meet him soon." I smile at him and say,"I need to go shower." He just nods and I make my way up to my room. I plug my phone into the charger and grabbed some random clothes.


I walk downstairs and I see Alec and Alex talking at the table. "Hey" I greet. They both turn to me and Alec says,"Hey, thought I would see you here." Alex says,"Hey y/n." I sit at the table with them and Alec says,"I just wanted your number, I forgot to ask yesterday." I nod and we exchange numbers. Alex gives his number too, and then Alec leaves.

Alex and I sit on the couch and he asks,"What do you want to watch?" I shrug and say,"I'm not sure, you choose." He nods and next thing I know, Shrek is playing. I laugh and Alex says,"You should've seen this coming. I was going to put on Shrek one way or another."

I laugh and we watch the movie.

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