Chapter Seven

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"Sub! Stop it! I swear if I hurt myself I'm going to blame it on you!" 

I hear the guys laughing the background while Sub is running after me trying to smash some of his cooking in my face. It smells like shit and I know for a fact that it doesn't taste any better than it smells. I try to jump over a pile of stuff on the ground, but I fail and trip over it, falling to the ground.

I groan in pain and Alex walks in confused and asks,"What happened?" I glare at Sub and answer,"Sub tried to make me eat whatever he made." Alex nods and the others erupt into a fit of laughter. It's only my first day here in Canada with everybody and Sub already tried to make me eat some gross food and I tripped on whatever was on the floor.

Alex walks over to me and sticks his hand out for me to take. I hesitate for a while but then take his hand, and he pulls me up. I mumble out a 'thank you' under my breath and he doesn't seem to notice I've said it. He just smiles at me and I walk past him to finish unpacking my stuff. 

As soon as I finish unpacking, I change into some more comfortable clothing and I make my way to the kitchen. As I get to the kitchen, I see the guys talking at the table. I grab a cup and pour myself some water. I drink it up as quickly as possible and then head to my room again.

As I walk to my room, I hear Alex shouting. His door is open a bit, so I peek in. I open the door some more and walk in. He notices me and looks towards me. He motions for me to come and that's what I do. As I stand next to where he's sitting, I notice that he's on Roblox. He must be recording. He says,"Hey guys, this is my good friend y/n" I wave and say,"I just came to check up on you." He nods and I say,"I should get going now." He nods and I leave the room.


"Y/N!" I hear somebody yell. I open the door and see Alex standing there. I look at him and ask,"What is it?" He answers,"Well, I was going to do a q & a and I wanted you to join." I nod and say,"Alright, when?" He grabs my hand and says,"Now." I don't even get a chance to respond as he leads me to his room.

I sit down on the office chair that was next to his and he switches his camera on. He smiles at me and I nod. He does his intro and then talks a bit more about some stuff, and then he gets to reading questions. The first question was,"Who is y/n?" Alex laughs and I answer,"I'm Sub's sister and Alex's friend." Alex nods and adds,"She also lives with us." I quickly say,"Not with Corl and Denis, but with Alex and Sub." Alex laughs and we answer as many questions as we can.

Eventually, we have to end the video, and then I go back to my room. "Y/N!" I hear somebody call. I go to the kitchen and Sub is there. I ask,"What?" He answers,"Well, I wanted to know if you would like to join the guys and me on a jog." I shrug and say,"Why not?" He smiles and says,"You can go get ready." I nod and go back to my room.

I throw on this:

I make my way downstairs and wait at the front door for the guys

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I make my way downstairs and wait at the front door for the guys. Alex, Corl, Denis, and Sub eventually walk in and they all seem to be talking. Except for Alex. I laugh silently to myself and Alex says,"Let's go?" We all nod and start walking out. I ask,"Where are we going to?" Alex answers,"To the park nearby, we'll rest there and then come back." I nod and the others still seem to be caught up in a conversation.

I laugh and shake my head. I whisper to Alex,"Let's run ahead of them." Alex nods and we take off running, but then slow our pace to jogging when we get fairly ahead of them. They finally seem to notice we already started going and started jogging too. Alex chuckled and yelled,"You guys are so slow!" I shake my head and Sub glares at us. Sub starts running faster and I squeal.

Alex and I start running and Sub is after us. Alex turns a corner and I speed up. As soon as I turn the corner, I bump into Alex and we both end up on the floor, me on top of him. We laugh as we sit up and the guys stare at us. Sub helps me up and Alex helps himself up.

I ask,"What?" Corl snickers and Denis says,"Shut up Corl." Sub shakes his head and I sigh. I look at Alex from the corner of my eyes and I see him motioning something. He touches me and we both take off running. We laugh as we take off because the others are left there, trying to process what's going on. As soon as they figure out what's happening, they follow after us.

We eventually get to the park, and the others are a block away. Alex and I sit on a bench so we could get some rest before we go back to the house. Alex looks at me and says,"Let's start running back when they get here." I nod and say,"Yeah, they can stay and rest, but they'll have to catch up since Corl and Denis gave us the keys. Well, we didn't give it back to them." Alex laughs and says,"It's been a great first day."

I laugh and say,"It's not over." Alex nods and says,"How do you feel about this?" I look at him confused and ask,"About what?" Alex sighs and answers,"Sub. Me. Visiting the guys. Sub being your brother. What do you feel? Are you mad, sad, what?" I smile and say,"I guess I feel fine then. I'm not necessarily happy since both of my parents died, but I'm not sad because I have you. Well, I have Sub, you and the guys." Alex nods and asks,"Who's your favourite?"

I shrug and answer,"Maybe my favourite is you." He smiles and I say,"I said maybe." He laughs and says,"I know. But that's not a no." I smile at him and we just look at each other for a while. I soon notice the guys run up to us and I nod to Alex. He nods back and we take off, running back to the house. The others groan in frustration and follow after us.

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