Chapter Five

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I sat alone, on a bench at the park. I'm not even sure this is the park. It's night, and I'm alone. I can't hear anything except my heavy breathing and the sound of water running from the fountain. I suddenly hear footsteps behind me and when I turn, I see Alex. I smile as he sits down next to me.

"Hey" I say just above a whisper. He looks at me and asks,"Why are you so quiet?" I shrug and answer,"I like the silence." He nods and says,"What're you doing here?" I answer,"I don't know, just to clear my mind maybe." He nods and stares at the fountain. He then stands up and grabs my wrist. 

I look up at him and he says,"Follow me." I nod and he leads me to a hill. It's just grass and a single tree. He lies on the grass and I do the same. We stare up at the sky, the stars, and it's a sight to see. It was a tall hill, but obviously not tall enough to be a mountain. It overlooks the whole place, and from below I could never see the stars.

Alex sits up, so I sit up with him. He looks at me and says,"I think I like you." I laugh and say,"You better, you're my brother." Alex shakes his head and says,"No, I think I like like you." I frown and say,"But Alex, you're my brother."

He sighs and says,"No, I'm not," I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and then everything goes black.


Is it up quickly, it was just a dream. A weird one too. But this isn't the first time I had it. It's already been two weeks since I found my lost family. Or maybe I was the one who was lost. I don't know anymore. I've had this dream five times already. Why?

Dreams sure are weird. At least it's not real life. It would be really weird since we're related and all. I feel like I should talk to Sub, dad, or even Alex about it. Maybe all of them? I hear a knock on my door. I yell,"Come in!" Alex comes in, smiling and says,"Hey." I reply,"Good Morning, what's on the agenda for today?" He looks like he's thinking and then he answers,"We're going to the park. I nod and say,"Okay, I'll get ready." 

He says,"We're going after lunch." I roll my eyes and say,"I don't care, I was gonna shower anyways." He just nods and I close the door. I pick out some casual clothes, that I wouldn't mind be getting dirty, but I could move around in, but it also needs to be comfy and look good.

I roll my eyes. I should just choose something and get ready. 

Eventually, I do get ready, and now I'm a the park, sitting on a bench between Alex and Sub. We're waiting for my dad to park the car and get over here. Then, Alex's phone rings. Sub nods to him and he answers it. After a while, he just nods and hangs up. I look at him expectantly and he says,"Dad can't be here, he got called into work." I nod and continue sitting in silence. 

Soon enough Sub says,"You should know." I look at him confused and ask,"What?" Sub sighs and says,"You should know something, well, two things." Alex nods and Sub sighs. After a moment of complete silence, Sub says,"Alex isn't your brother and dad has cancer."

I accidently blurt,"What?" Sub looks at me and says,"Alex isn't your brother. I am." I look at him, then Alex, then him again. I ask,"Why did you let me think Alex was my brother?" sub sighs and answers,"I thought you would be mad, and I wanted to know how you would treat him and feel about him." I nod, but that was no excuse.

I say,"What about dad? He has cancer?" Sub nods and says,"Alex will tell you where he really is." Alex looks at me and says,"He went to another appointment." I ask,"How bad?"Alex sighs and says,"Pretty bad, the doctors say he doesn't have long." I nod and force a smile. Sub looks at me and says,"Don't force a smile, it's a sad topic, it's okay to cry." I nod as a tear slips down my face. Sub wipes it away and says,"It'll be alright."

Many tears follow, one after another and I say,"I just found out who he was, and I barely got to be with him, and he doesn't have long?" Sub shakes his head and says,"Just cherish all the time you do have with him." I nod, then sniffle, and then I bury my head in Alex's chest. He hugs me comfortingly, and Sub pats my back and all I can do is cry.

Soon enough, I feel like I'm being carried, and it's probably Alex since my head is still buried in his chest and I'm still crying my heart out. Before I know it, everything goes black.

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