Chapter 1

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"Platform 9 3/4. New year." thought Angel. 
"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!" Angel called. She had developed a teeny bit of a British accent.
Angel, Fred, George, Ginny, and Hermione all boarded the train together for a new year at Hogwarts. Something felt missing, but Angel couldn't tell what it was. 

Angel ran off to catch up with her Slytherin friends.
"Hey Tori! Hey Draco!"
"Hey Angel!" They both chorused.

"Hey Crabbe! Hey Goyle!"
The two boys both mumbled a small, "Hi".
Angel took her seat next to Draco, across from Tori. Draco put his arm around Angel.
"How was your summer?" Tori asked. 

When the Hogwarts Express arrived, the five friends piled into a horseless carriage and rode up towards the school. At the Great Hall, Angel watched Ginny get sorted into Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore made a rousing speech and the students ate to their hearts content. 

That night, both Harry and Draco had longing dreams.

Harry's Dream

"Here Angel" Harry said, passing her a box.
Angel opened the box. It contained a beautiful Caribbean Blue bracelet, with Angel's initials gilded onto it in gold.
"Oh!" Angel breathed, "It's beautiful! Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Sure Sweetheart." Harry said very coolly.
"You're the best Harry!" Cried Angel.

Draco's Dream

"Happy Birthday Angel!" Draco called and tossed her a present.
"Thanks Draco!" Angel exclaimed, "You're way better than Potter." Angel spat with scorn.
"I know." 
"You're the best Draco!" Angel cried.

Both boys woke up with huge smiles on their faces.

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