Chapter 13

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"Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel. Hey Angel." Angel's e/c eyes blinked open. 

"What'd you want?" Angel mumbled. 

"Wake up! Mum's making pancakes!" Ginny screamed in Angel's face.

Angel groaned and dragged herself down the stairs. 

"Good morning Angel!" Molly exclaimed, too energetic this early in the morning. 

Angel plopped into the chair and ate her pancakes moodily. 

"Would you like some (your favorite beverage), sweetie? You seem grumpy this morning."  Molly asked.

Angel smiled, gratefully. "Thanks Mum!"

As she ate, Fred and George ran in screaming, "Fire!" and waving their arms frantically!

Molly paled. 

Ginny, Ron, Angel, Molly, and Arthur rushed out the door. 

There was extreme confusion, until Molly calmed everyone down. 

Molly began to yell, "I'll message the ministry and ask-" 

She was cut off by Fred and George's crazy laughter. 

"You should have seen your faces! You were terrified!" George yelled in between fits of laughter.

Molly's face turned purple with rage. 

"You two are in deep trouble!" She yelled.

Everyone filed back inside. 

For the rest of the morning, most of the family functioned normally, except for molly and the twins, whose angry shouts could be heard all throughout the house.

(1 week later) 

Angel was reading in the living room, when Fred and George ran down the stairs frantically.. 

"FIRE!!!!!! THERE'S A FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" they screamed, running around.

Angel rolled her eyes. The boys were playing another trick. She returned to her book. 

Angel heard screams from outside. After a few minutes she was getting nervous. What if the twins weren't joking? 

Her question was answered as smoke began to fill the living room. Flames licked the carpet. Angel remembered to keep her head down. Trying not to inhale to much smoke, she rushed from the room.

 She tripped over something on the floor. Soot coated her face. Her breath became ragged. Crawling from the room, Angel's lungs filled with thick smoke-filled air. She began to feel light headed. 

Angel tried to stand, failing. She barely managed to drag her self out the front door. Molly and Arthur rushed over, but Angel could barely see them because her vision was so cloudy. 

She tried to reassure them, but all she could manage was a pitiful cough. Her h/c hair was filthy and matted. Her eyes were dry, and she felt weak. Her cracked lips were hurting.

Angel's e/c eyes blinked closed as she drew in a raggedy breath. Sirens wailed  in the distance, but Angel just wanted to sleep. The world was too loud. The lights too bright. 

Angel drifted into a troubled sleep as the magical ambulance lay her gently on a stretcher.


Wow. intense! i know right. What do you think is gonna happen?

Ya never know..................

Any way i wanna thank my supporter @draher for voting on litteraly  chapter.



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