Chapter 17

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TIME SKIP (brought to you by, Slytherins- We rule the world because we beat the world)

It was that time of year again. And everyone was getting ready to go back to School. (Noooo) 

So, the Weasley's went on a trip with Hermione. Ya know, to shop for school. 

When they got to Hogsmeade, they shopped really quickly, because Mrs. Weasley promised they could buy whatever they wanted with their extra money. 

So when they were done, Fred George and Angel went to the joke shop. They planned a couple pranks.

Then Angel went to the 'Ice Cream Palace' to grab a sundae and meet with Ron and Hermione. 

When Angel walked in, she noticed that Ron and Hermione were talking with someone. So, she bought a (favorite flavor) ice cream, and walked over. She noticed that Harry. The trio was reformed! 

"Hey Angel!" Harry exclaimed. 

Hi. Angel signed. 

"How have you been?" He asked.

Umm. Fine I guess. Sorta. Angel answered, unsure if Harry knew sign language and if he would understand her. 

Apparently, he could because he responded, "Me too." 

The triplets continued to talk, and Angel participated, somewhat. Though,  she eventually got bored and went to go find her parents.

Hi mom. She signed.

"Hi sweetie! We have some news!"

Angel was instantly on guard. 

"Your going to get a translator for school!"

Angel sighed in relief. 

"And we're gonna meet her tomorrow!" 

Time skip (brought to you by S.P.E.W. - We're so lame that they left us out of the movie!)

Angel anxiously waited for her translator to show up. 

A knock was heard on the door.

She heard her parents talking to someone downstairs.

"Angel, come down stairs!" Dad called.

She casually walked down the stairs.

"Hi! I'm Dawn Chang!" 

Angel looked up. 

There stood a girl. She looked to 11 or 12 years old. She had red hair that framed her face made her light blue eyes pop. 

She looked familiar.

Emma? Angel signed.

"Wait. Y/n?" Dawn asked.

Mum looked confusedly back and forth between the two girls.

Angel ran in and surrounded Dawn in a huge hug. 

"I thought I would never see you again!" Dawn smiled.

I missed you little sister! Angel signed happily.

"I missed you too!" 

"Wait, what?" Mum asked. 

"We were sisters! Mrs. and Mr. L/n were our parents. When Y/n turned 11 she moved in with you, and you gave her Angel as her wizarding name. My name was Emma. My parents thought I was a squib. But, on my 11 birthday, earlier this year I got the Hogwarts letter. Mom and Dad were furious. They wanted a muggle life, but I was a wizard. So they sent me off to London. I stayed in Hogwarts for a while, but then the Changs came and adopted me! My wizarding name is now Dawn Chang!"

"Well, Angel kept her last name." Dad said.

"Cool!" Dawn said.

She and Angel were smiling so hard.

This was going to be an amazing year.

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