Chapter 12

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the gif above is just a little bit of Draco to get you through your day

3 months later (I know. Im so lazy)

Angel boarded the train and smiled at the place she had called home for the past 6 months.

"Goodbye Hogwarts." she whispered. 

Angel glanced over at her friends. Tori was struggling to braid her thick, curly hair. Draco was picking at the hem of his robes. Angel sighed contentedly and settled back into her seat. She gradually dozed off. 

hora omitir ('time skip' in spanish)

"Angel" a voice roused angel out of her deep  slumber. "Wake up."

"I slept the entire ride?" angel questioned sleepily, still unaware of who she was speaking to.

"Yup. Now get up." the voice said, which turned out to be her adopted brother Ron. 

Angel blinked, grabbed her trunk, and exited the emptying train. 

"Bye draco. Bye tori. I'll see you next year." angel said hugging them both in turn.

"I'll write to you." Tori cried, and ran off to her father, an extremely tall men with a gentle voice.

Draco and angel still stood there, saying their final good-byes when lucius malfoy walked up.

"Who is this son?" He demanded.

"This is my best friend. She was adopted by those Weasleys, but she isn't like them. She hates mudbloods, and is not in the least a blood traitor." Draco hastily lied.

"Angel, l/n. at your service sir." 

"The pleasure is all mine." Lucius said, pleased that his son wasn't making blood traitor friends. Or so he thought.

"Now. Come along Draco. We have business to attend to. Good bye miss l/n." he ordered, and promptly waked off.

Draco followed, waving over his shoulder. Angel waved back sadly.

Angel briskly walked over to her family and waved a goodbye to Harry and Hermione. 

She clutched her father's arm as soon as they got out of the eye shot of muggles, and prepared for a stomach wrenching trip, via side along apparation.


hey wizards. how you like this chappie? special shout out to @starwarsgirl111 

Draco: Sup readers

Me: when did you get here?

Draco: i've been here the whole time

Me: wait. you read the whole story?!? this is so embarassing

Draco: yes it is. now. don't stop reading cuz the next chapter has fred and george in it.

Me: (to draco) don't spoil it! (to the readers) well anyways. BYE

<3 Kayla  

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