Chapter 4

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Harry felt terrible.

It was all his fault. He had sabotaged the bludger. It was supposed to hit Draco, but it had missed and hit Angel.

For days, Harry was a nervous wreck. Whenever someone mentioned the bludger, Harry would begin to sweat, and nervously pin the blame on the wind, or the trees. Angel was awake, which made Harry even more nervous. Having Angel causally talk to him like a friend made him feel worse. She was happily ignorant to the fact that he had almost killed her.

At night, Harry would lay awake with his feelings. His love for Angel, his guilt for hurting her, his hate for Draco. And what's more, Filch's cat was found frozen, with blood writing on the wall, and Draco thought it was him. Also, Harry had been hallucinating the other day because he heard a voice in the walls.

Harry was a mess.

"Are you okay?" Hermione's voice snapped Harry back to the present.
"Uhh, yeah. I'm fine." Harry said absentmindedly.
"As I was saying, the teachers are starting a dueling club! I think we should join!"
"Sounds great." Harry muttered.
"Harry, are you sure you are okay?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah. Just tired. That's all." Harry responded.
"We cawn swee dat! Woo dook awbul." Ron said, through a mouth full of toast.

That day, at their fist dueling club meeting, Professors Lockhart and Snape demonstrated.

"Now, who would like to try?" Lockhart asked, "How about Potter and Malfoy! Now disarm only. Ready, set, go!"

Draco sent a disarming spell at Harry, but he blocked it. Harry tried to disarm Malfoy, but he was too quick. Suddenly, Draco sent a snake shooting out of his wand.

Harry could see it getting ready to strike at Dean.

"Hos te car moreth." Harry said to the snake," Hos te car moreth."

Every one went wide eyed. Harry wondered what they were all so surprised about. He was just asking the snake to leave Dean alone.

Angel stared at Harry. She had never seen anything like it. He was talking to the snake in some crazy language.

Suddenly, Snape aimed his wand at the snake, and turned it to dust.

"Goodbye." Gilderoy said hastily, "We have our next meeting a week from today."

As the triplets hurried from the room Angel burst into their group.

"What was that Harry?" She asked.
"I don't know what you mean! I just asked the snake to leave Dean alone."Harry exclaimed.

"Harry." Hermione said gravely, "your a parselmouth."

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