Chapter 18(I think)

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"All aboard!!!" 

Angel scrambled onto the train. Jumping in a free compartment, she leaned out the window and waved to her parents.

"Be careful Angel. Don't get in trouble, and stick with Dawn!" 

Angel nodded and waved more. There was so much she wished she could have said.

As the train puffed away, Angel turned to her brother. 

Ron, I'm going to find my friends. She signed.

"OK." Ron said, "see you at school."

Angel ran off to find tori and draco. 

She searched the compartments, but to no avail. 


Suddenly, a hand shot out, and covered Angels mouth. She was pulled into a compartment. 

Angel tried to hit her attacker, but then she heard the soft rolling voice of the boy who had grabbed her.

"Hey Kitten. Thought you would be a little more happy to see me."

Angel sighed in relief. It was just Draco.

The boy closed the compartment door and smiled at her.

"How have you been sweetheart?" 

I'm good. Life is kinda hectic. How are you? Angel signed.


"Um. How have you been?"

Good. Angel signed again. How are you? 

"Hello? Anyone in there?" Draco teased.

What do you mean? Angel signed.

"Hey, are you OK sweetie?" Draco asked concerned.

Yeah. I'm good. Angel signed.

More silence.

"Hey." Draco placed his hand on Angel's shoulder, his brow furrowed, "What's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me ?"

Angel face palmed. She never told him about t accident.

Angel grabbed some parchment and a quill. She was going to draw, but this is more important. 

Draco looked on quizzically as Angel started to write.

She wrote about the fire, and st mungo's , and her voice.

Draco got more and more concerned as the story went on. He was literally crying by the end. 

He said nothing, just hugged angel. 

After a while, he let go and said,"thank the lord I know sign language. My cousin is deaf."

Angel sighed and singed, yay!!!

She and Draco talked for a while, until the train came to a halt. 

"What! We're not there yet!" Draco cried, peaking his head out.

Angel whimpered. It was cold.

Draco closed door and hugged her for warmth. 

Before they knew it the train was going again, and they were kissing passionately.

They didn't notice it, but the door was creaking open. 

Some one squealed and slammed the door.

Draco stood up and shoved the door open. He dragged the girl (it was Hermione) inside the compartment and slammed the door shut.

"You tell no one." He growled. 

Hermione nodded fearfully. 

"I'm letting you go because of Angel, but if you weren't her friend, you'd be dead in a skinny minute!" He yelled.

Hermione just backed away and closed the door.

I'm gonna go get dressed. Angel signed. 

"Me too." Draco said. They went off their separate ways.


Hey guys. Its Kayla. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My new girlfriend and me were having some trouble with our friends, but its all good now. Love you guys. 

Shout out of the day: @lincolnlives2 

For next shout out, comment your favorite name. 

💚 you guys 

<3 kayla

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