Chapter 8

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Christmas break! Finally!Draco thought as he was dismissed from his final class before the break. 

Draco was excited. He and Angel were the only Slytherins staying at school for Christmas, so they could do what ever they liked. No one could interrupt them, and they didn't have to hide the fact that they were together. Draco practically ran to the Great Hall. 

He took his seat next to Angel. 

"Hey guys." He said "What's up?"
"The ceiling."Angel said. 

"What?" Draco asked, confused. 

"We're telling jokes. Get it. What's up! The ceiling!" Tori said, cracking up.
"Oh. Ha ha. Very funny"Draco rolled his eyes.
" How 'bout this one? What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snow man?" Tori asked, making a dramatic pause, "Frostbite! Frostbite, get it!" Tori giggled.

"What do you call a sleeping bull?" Angel asked, "A bull-dozer."
"Whaaaaat?" Tori and Draco asked, extremely confused.
"What's a bulldozer?" Tori wondered
"Oh. A bulldozer is a muggle thing that they use to tear down buildings."Angel answered.
"Oh." Tori said, trying to picture a bulldozer in her head.

Angel and Tori told jokes all dinner. Afterwards, Tori and the other Slytherins packed up and got ready to leave.

"Bye Tori!" Angel exclaimed.

Soon, Angel and Draco were the only ones left in the room.

"So," Angel began in a sly voice, "looks like it's just you and me. What do you wanna do?"
"Well," Draco smirked,"I was thinking we could start with ............... This." 

He pulled her into a kiss. The whole world melted away, except them. Angel's eyes fluttered closed. Draco gently bit Angel's lip, begging for admittance. She granted his entrance, and his tongue explored her mouth. Angel pinned Draco against the wall, and wrapped her hands around his waist. Their hips rubbed against each other's. They fiercely  smashed their lips together. 

Angel made a small moan. They took a break to take a breath, but quickly shoved themselves back together.

Christmas time is here.

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