Chapter 15

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The video above is one of my favorite songs ever, so i just put it in randomly. It has my bae for life Anthony Ramos in it, so watch it.

Two weeks later, the Dursley's were having their dinner around the telly. Harry picked at his gross salmon. 

The news was on. 

"And now, we have an update on a trending story. Rose, over to you." The woman on the tv said, overly cheerfully. 

"Thank you, Charlotte. This is 12 year old Angel M/n L/n. She has 7 siblings and quite a few great friends. She lived a normal life until about two weeks ago." The reporter began.

Harry almost choked on his salmon. 

"Angel!" he squeaked.

" Shut up you fat lump! I'm trying to watch the telly!" Vernon yelled, as pictures of Angel flashed across the screen.

"She was caught in a house fire. She managed to escape with only a few minor burns, until she passed out. She had inhaled too much smoke, and it had clogged her lungs. The medics did a quick surgery, and saved her life. But, there still was a price. Young Angel may never speak again." 

Harry almost died. Again.

"She seems to be taking it moderately well, and has learned sign language surprisingly fast. She will continue with schooling in the fall, and enjoy a mostly normal life. Back to you Charlotte."

Harry didn't pay attention to anything for the rest of the night. He was thinking about Angel. He would never hear her sweet voice ever again. He would never hear her singing. Never hear her reassure him with that soft tone. 

He barely slept that night. 

The next day, Harry rushed to the library, and checked out a book on sign language. He spent whole days learning this new form of communication.

(Meanwhile, back at the burrow)

Angel rushed down stairs for breakfast. She was learning to enjoy life without talking.

"Good morning!" Molly exclaimed, plopping down poached eggs and toast at her spot.

Thanks! Angel signed, and dug in. 

After breakfast, she was drawing with Fred. They were the two artists of the family.

"Guess whose birthday is tomorrow?" Bill asked loudly.

Angel blushed. Mine, she signed. (Sorry if your birthday is not in summer)

"Aww." George teased, "Our little bitty Angelie-pooh is growing up! She's gonna be a teenager!"

Angel smiled. 13. She was going to be a third year! 

Tomorrow she would be a teen....



<3 Kayla

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