part 13

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Heeeeeyyy my smiley unicorns!!!! Sooo... We're nearing the end of our two weeks... Or maybe not? Questions, questions... Well, enjoy the chapter!!! c:-

chapter 13

It was two days later, and the pups were starting to get used to Peter living with them, to him being part of the pack, even though they still felt a little uncomfortable in his presence, but that seemed to go for Peter as well. Like he'd said, the man hadn't really changed his behaviour, but he tried. Sometimes. Surprisingly, the two people he got along with best were Danny and Lydia. Danny, Stiles had expected, he was just a sweet guy and he hadn't known Peter before everything happened, but Lydia had been a surprise. After all, he'd nearly killed her and unleashed her banshee powers. His guess was that geniuses always stuck together, because even with his insanity Peter was a genius. That day the pups had come home from school a little down, Aiden had found mr. Harris's body bound to a tree, also murdered with the three-fold death which concerned all of them. At that moment Stiles was making dinner, Jackson and a thankfully almost fully recovered Isaac were sitting at the kitchen table in their high chairs because the others were out to have some fun during everything bad happening and Allison and Derek had kindly informed him Scott and Ethan were enough trouble for two people. Ah well, it's not like Stiles really minded, they were fun company. Stiles didn't talk much right now though, he was busy thinking about the murders. Three people had been killed, three people with a background in the army, three warriors. At first they'd been confused, after all, Emily had been a virgin as well, but they'd found out she'd worked in the army as a female soldier for nearly a year. Stiles was happy they at least knew what was going on this time, with the five-fold knot and everything about the darach. The only thing they didn't know was what group was going to be next. "Mommy?" A questioning voice asked and Stiles turned around with a smile. "What is it Isaac?" He asked the little boy who gave him a weird look. "You have been cutting the same piece of cucumber for the past five minutes. Is something wrong?" ahe asked, looking up at Stiles from his high chair. "It's nothing baby, I was just thinking" Stiles said while looking at the cucumber-pulp he had reduced the poor vegetable to. "Hm, I don't think we can use that for the salad, do you?" He asked the two little boys, who giggled and shook their heads. "But you know what I've heared? That cucumber is great for.. Your skin!" Stiles yelled while smearing a little of the green pulp on the boys's noses. They looked almos cross-eyed, and Jackson immediatly looked up to Stiles. "Mommy!" He exclaimed shockedly, at which Stiles bursted out laughing. Meanwhile Peter had entered the kitchen with something in his hand, but when he saw what was going on he misteriously smirked, and after a swift handmovement he dissapeared from the kitchen again. A single moment later Stiles felt something cold hit his cheek, and when he spun around Jackson and Isaac were smirking, their hands covered in something undefinable they appearently had gotten from a bowl on the table that hadn't been there before. Stiles got some of the goo off his cheek, and concluded it was applesauce. "Where'd you get that?" He asked, his eyebrows raising hogher than they'd ever done before. "Peter.." Isaac giggled, and Stiles could faintly make out a soft chuckling from behind the door. "Nice Peter, really mature" Stiles deadpanned. "Ow Stiles, where would be the fun in that?" Stiles heared Peter say before he heared the stumble of the stairs. "And for the two of you, if you even think about sticking your hands into that bowl again or the two of you are going into your cribs until dinner's ready" Stiles threatened playfully while grabbing a few tissues before wiping the noses and hands of the two toddlers and his own cheek. He then resumed making dinner, the toddlers behind him still giggling softly. When everything was almost done the older pups returned, and they all greeted Stiles overenthusiastically while reaching around him to snatch bites from the pans behind Stiles. He smacked Ericas hands off and gave her and Aiden a meaningful look, after which they just smirked and started to set the table like Stiles'd requested. When Stiles called everyone down for dinner, everyones eyes went big when Peter.came downstairs as well, for the first time since he'd been there. Stiles just decided to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary though, and he smiled at the man who'd been looking sceptically at both the food and the people he'd have to share it with. "Peter, hi! Sit down please, I'll have the food on the table in a moment" Stiles said in a relaxed matter, trying to break the tension again. Nobody really said anything while sitting down, and only Lydia and Danny, who'd decided to move in as well after Emily's death, smiled at Peter while Scott growled at him and Aiden shot him a glare. "Guys. Be nice, okay?" Stiles said while throwing a meaningful glance at Scott and Aiden, who both just pouted and turned their heads away. Stiles hander everyone their plate, and soon everyone was eating in an uncomfortable silence. Halfway through dinner Peter stood up and looked at everyone. "Well, this is an awkward silence. I suppose it means I should retreat to my room again. So now, I shall go, but not before thanking you for this delicious dinner, Stiles" he said flamboyantly before chuckling and walking out of the kitchen backwards and silently. The moment he was gone Stiles threw everyone a glare. "Look at what you did! I told you to make him feel welcome and I also explained why. I am really dissapointed in you" he told the pups, who looked at him guiltily. "But you know he still freaks us out!" Erica exclaimed, and Stiles sighed. "I know that, and I don't expect you to act like he's the favourite pack member around, I only expect you to try and be a little more hospitable" Stiles told them, and they all nodded. "Sorry mom" they murmured, and Stiles smiled at them. "It's okay pups" he told them, and they all smiled. After dinner, Stiles left the pups downstairs to do laundry, but when he hadn't even been upstairs for five minutes, he heared everyone yell his name, and Isaacs the loudest of all. He ran downstairs, thinking there was something wrong, but when he got downstairs all he saw was Isaac, surrounded by everyone and standing steadily, Dereks hands hovering around his sides. When he noticed Stiles come in, Derek smiled at him lovingly. "You are going to wanna see this" he smiled, and Isaac looked up to Stiles. "Mommy! Look what I can do!" He yelled, and Stiles crouched down a meter or so away from the boy, who got a concentrated look on his face, and then took a few little, wobbling steps after which he'd have fallen if it wasn't for Stiles, who smiled brightly and lifted the boy high up in his arms. "Look at that! You can walk baby!" He exclaimed happily, and the little boy beamed in pride. "Derek and Danny have been teaching me! I wanted it to be a surprise" he giggled, and Stiles felt just as much pride and love as any ordinary mom would have right there and then. "I'm so proud of you baby! I think this deserves icecream, don't you?" He asked the little boy, who nodded furiously, and Stiles helped him walk all the way to the kitchen after which the boy was both extremely proud and pretty tired. They made thirteen little bowls of ice cream, of which Stiles put one in the fridge with a note  for Peter attached to it. He knew the man could just get some from the freezer, but this just felt better, it included him more in the pack. Then he gave everyone else a bowl, and he put Isaac on his lap while eating. When they were finished, Stiles decided to ask Lydia and Erica to do the dishes while he and Allison brought the toddlers to bed. At first Isaac threw a little fit about him not being allowed to walk up the stairs, but Stiles thankfully got the boy to agree with being carried, holding in the back of his mind that Isaac had barely been able to walk the three meters to the kitchen while holding on to both Stiles' hands. That's something Stiles would never tell the little boy though, he was way to proud of being able to walk in the first place. When he'd changed the pups into their pj's, he layed them down in their cribs, which were now permanently installed in the master bedroom. "I love you guys" Stiles said softly while switching the lights off. "Love you too mom" four sleepy voices muttered back, and Stiles smiled at the little pups before softly closing the door. When he got downstairs, him and the pups watched a movie, Stiles happily cuddled up to Dereks chest. About halfway through, there was a loud knock on the door. Stiles looked up to Derek confusedly, not knowing who'd be at their house this late, and they both got up and walked in the direction of the front door. When they opened it, once again a dead body with a note attached to the remains of its clothes tumbled through the open door, but this one was so unrecognisably mauled that Stiles wasn't even able to tell whether it was a man or a woman. While Derek went to take care of the body, Stiles took the bloodied note and tried to read it. "Hello little Hales. Have you figured out what the next group is yet?"  Stiles looked at it confusedly, until his phone began to buzz and he saw he'd gotten a call from Melissa. He picked up quickly, just to hear her fearful voice coming through the phone. "Stiles, tonight two doctors were reported missing. We've already found the body of one of them. She died the three-fold death as well. I need to go now, there's an emergency. Take care Stiles" She said before hanging up. "Fuck. It's healers"

Well, I couldn't really think of a good ending, sooo.. I know it sucked, but I still hope you liked it c:- If you did, please comment and vote!! xoxo,

Robance c:-

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