Part 1: Boardwalk

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It was 4am, the night was dark, the nocturnal world was still happily doing its nocturnal business and I was regretting the many horrible and aggravating facts of my life.

Fact 1: Work, no matter how much you enjoy it...will still feel like work.

Fact 2: Money = you need it.

Fact 3: Alarm clocks will go off at 4am in the morning if you set them that way.

Unfortunately, I had set them that way, every morning for the past 4 years, but I know things could be worse. That's what everyone says right?

This particular morning was completely average. I groggily, unwedged myself from the gap between the between my bed and the wall. Tiptoed around the mess that was my room until I was able to break free of the chaos that had swallowed my floor. I opened my door and began the daily routine. Shower, Coffee, Clothes, more coffee and then catch the bus for work.

I admit that I'm a person of habit. I like my routines and when I find something I like, I usually stick with it no matter how unhealthy it may be.

For example, I love my job. The pay is minimal, there's no medical or benefits but I still love it.

For the past 4 years I have worked in my small town's local art gallery. I help organise exhibitions, do a little office work and open the gallery every day. There isn't allot of funding but we somehow get by and I get to spend my days as an arts school dropout enjoying beautiful installations and masterpieces.

As I hopped off the bus his particular morning started like any other. I was lucky, it was a short distance to work from the mall so I was always able to grab a quick Grande Americano from the local Starbucks (yes I know, I have an issue with caffeine but I am not ashamed!) then continue on my way to the local park.

"Hey, the usual please oh great and might coffee god!" I said as I lazily pushed open the glass door, labeled with a familiar green mermaid logo.

"Good morning Archer, was that a decaf?" Asked Aaron, who stood cross armed behind the counter, his Starbucks visor positioned backwards on his head and his apron obviously had not been washed this month as I could still see the remnants of the whipped cream incident that had happened 2 weeks ago.

"Sacrilege! If you value your life you will never mention the D word in my presence again" I said as I slouched against the counter shoving money into his crossed arms.

"So much for being the coffee god." He answered opening the till with a smile. "It's not decaf don't worry." He said, handing me both my change and a cup of glorious Americano.

I sniffed it suspiciously before taking a sip.

"So what's new at the gallery?" he asked.

"We installed a new exhibit yesterday so we're closed to the public until the Reception on Sunday which is somewhat nice. It gives me time to catch up on some paperwork, artist contracts, and the usual sort of office stuff." I answered. "Why? You never usually ask me for info into my work life."

Aaron looked at me disappointedly.

"No geese?"

I sighed.

For 3 weeks I had been telling Aaron all about how the entrance to my gallery had been plagued by giant, blood thirsty angry geese. The gallery sits right on the edge of the lake and we sometimes found ourselves in a battle with the local wildlife. In the spring one of them must have laid a bunch of eggs under the bushes by the main door because not only were these birds territorial, but it seemed as though they had a clutch of babies to protect and get even more protective of my walkway.

"I hope not." I said as I pulled the door open and made my way to the park, mentally preparing myself for another epic goose battle extraordinaire.

With my I-pod blasting the soundtrack from the Disney movie "Tangled" and the comfort of warm coffee in my hand I strolled down the street and turned through the park gate.

The sun was just coming up and colours of pink and blue were reflecting on the surface of the water. Ducks quacked contently and some were still sleeping on the muddy shores.

I walked from the entrance and stepped out onto the wooden boardwalk that crossed over the lake. This was my favourite part of the day. The park was pretty much empty except for me and the occasional dog walker who 9 times out of 10 would still be in their pajamas.

I was halfway down the boardwalk when I heard a loud noise that resembled the boom of an old movie canon. It was so loud I jumped and stopped dead in my tracks.

I looked up to the end of the wooden walkway but there nothing insight. Nothing moved or gave me any idea of where the noise had come from.

Glancing behind me I saw nothing but several frightened ducks take flight. I shivered; an eerie morning mist was beginning to seep over the lake hiding the ripples of the water beneath its haze.

Then another sound brought my attention forward...the sound of clanging metal.

In the distance, at the end of the walkway I could see two large forms. One was on the ground pulling himself out of the muddy lake bed. The other stood, dripping water onto the pathway.

Automatically I was drawn to them, slowly I inched forward until their individual features were viewable through the dense fog. They wore frayed burgundy and gold tunics, with metal shoulder plates and write bands that had seen better days. Each had a sword strapped to their side and a golden dragon emblazed on their chests.

Who were these guys? LARPers? After 4 years of coming and going through this park I've seen allot of live action role-players come through with their cardboard shields running around pretending to be on their way to Mordor with "the one ring to rule them all" but these guys looked almost real.

I heard their loud voices as it carried across the distance, reverberating against the still waters of the lake.

"Why did it have to be a lake" The man on the ground choked in a thick English accent. The man standing offered his hand in support as his friend struggled to stand up under the weight of his armor.

"It could have been worse Gallahad, we would be been dropped off in lava" He said all to seriously as he brushed mud from his shoulder.

"I would never do that to you Lancelot."

I jumped and spun.

The voice had come from a man who, as I looked down, was crawling out of the water beside my feet. He short shaved hair and was dressed in simple brown clothes and tall tan boots. His dark eyes peered down at me inquisitively as he pulled himself up onto the platform.

"Hello" He said extending his hand.

"My name is Merlin and I'm hoping you may be able to help us."

Child of Time: The Pendragon LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora