Chapter 5

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Draco's Pov:

At the great hall an owl arrives in front of me. I'm the only 7th year at the slytherin table. The simple barn owl that belongs to the school leaves after delivering a small note. It's from Potter. I glance around the gryffindor table. The raven haired boy isn't there. I also notice that Longbottom isn't around.

Where is he?

"Ron?" I walk over to the gryffindor table. "Where's Harry?"
"Looking to beat him up, Malfoy." Ron sneers. Hermione sees the hurt in my eyes. The ginger carries on ranting at me but I just stare at the muggle born.
"Ron, stop." She whispers.
"Why?" He asks offended.
"We need to find Harry." Granger answers.
"Hagrid's hut." Weasel finishes his words with a kiss on her forehead.

The dark sky cools the air as we follow the light of hermione's wand. Shouting can be heard from the distance. As we draw closer to the sound the image becomes clearer. Longbottom is shouting desperately while hovering over a body.
"Bloody hell. It's Harry." Ron whispers. Hermione gasps and runs over. I stand back looking for the culprit.

Groans can be heard from Harry and I walk over.
"Draco." He smiles at me. I smile back.
"Neville? What happened?" Hermione asks gently.
"As I was walking into the great hall I saw Luna and hid in a cupboard." Longbottom looks down ashamed. "I heard pansy and Blaise talking about Harry and I ran to find him. I screamed for-"
"But I thought you hated him." I interrupt angrily.
"I did. But what Ginny said changed my mind. Also, Susan said that Harry would never fancy me because he is too kind to break up our relationship. I didn't want to catch being gay."
"I doesn't work like that Neville." Ron sounds angrier than me.
"I know." Longbottom's voice sounds ashamed and sorry. A groan interrupts anymore conversation.
"We need to take him to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione says wisely.

The castle is warm compared to the cold of the grounds. Harry lies in the bed with an icepack on his private area while Neville, Ron, Hermione at I sit around him plotting ways to get back at Blaise. Luna walks in with a spring in her step.
"Hello, I heard about Harry from nearly headless nick." She says dreamily. "Wanted to see if he was okay."
"I am, Luna." My chosen one groans.
"Oh good! Do you mind if I take a seat?" Loopy lovegood says whilst avoiding Neville's eye contact.
"Sit." Longbottom mumbles. We carry on talking until Madam Pomfrey tells us to leave. One by one we say bye. I'm the last and I sneak in an opportunity.

I gently lean over his bruised body and place my lips against his. A groan escapes his mouth as I wrap my fingers in his hair. Pulling away is hard but I do.
"Stay with me draco." He asks.
"Maybe some other time Potter."

Harry's Pov:

My 1st thought is how I'm going to make Blaise pay but the anger slowly dies down and is replaced with Draco's taste still on my lips. I have spent a few days in the hospital wing because of the injuries sustained. It's a sunny Saturday morning and Madam Pomfrey agreed that I could leave today. Once showered and dress I head down to the library to start my transfiguration essays. Neville and a few hufflepuffs are sitting in the corner and I join them.
"Hello Harry." Ernie McMillan smiles at me and I nod back.
"Sorry Harry." Neville whispers.
"S'okay." I pat him on the shoulders. "Where's Draco?" I add.
"Detention from Slughorn for beating up Blaise." Susan bones replies. I smile at her thankfully and walk away.

~page break~

"Harry!" Hermione shouts at me. "McGonagall needs to talk to you." She adds panting.
"Thank you." I hug Hermione. It's good to have her talking to me again. When Ron left us during the search for the horcruxes we relied on each other heavily. "Love you." I whisper in her ear.
"Back at you." She says whilst we pull part.
The walk to the head master office is long and boring. Flinch has repaired a lot of paintings but some are missing. It's annoying because they wave, bow, congratulate or thank me when I walk past.

"Potter. Come in." McGonagall chirps. "I found this from Dumbledore."

'Dear Harry,
By now I would have past on to my next great adventure and hopefully Voldemort would of been defeated.
I have one small favour to ask of you.

Protect the school.

The dementors are rising.

Sorry for the hassle.
Yours always,

"What does this mean?"I asked baffled.
"I don't know." McGonagall starts to cry. I hold her close to me and together we mourn the dead and face the dread of the future.

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