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After a week of stressfully trying to write a article but deleted every sentence I write I give up and push it to the side. Now it's Saturday and I am trying to find my laker jersey before Halley and I leave to the guys hotel; oh did I mention she's given me the silent treatment all week?

But if I were her I'd be mad at myself too; well I am mad at myself. I grab my phone and bag before seeing Halley waiting for me in the living room, her eyes meet mine as she stand and begins to walk out the door. I sigh while running a hand through my hair following her, "Halley are you gonna stay mad at me? It's already been a week." I plead. "If you talk to me I'll clean the apartment for a month..." I offer causing her to pause in her step turning slowly to look at me with a arched eyebrow.

"Really?" She questions. I nod letting out a sigh, "Yes anything, I just want my best friend back..." I trail off silently praying she forgives me. If not I really don't know what I'll do. She ponders my offer for a moment before smiling and running up to me hugging me tightly, "I'm sorry, I'm over it. Well not really but enough." She rambles.

I laugh lightly, "Good, I really thought I was loosing you and I don't think I could take that." After a childhood of a person after another leaving me being left by my only best friend would probably kill me. Her eyes soften before telling me,

"You can't get rid of me that easily." She winks making me laugh before grabbing my arm and pulling me along to the guys hotel before were late.

We knock and not too soon after the door swings open to a boy with mid length brown hair, tan and a big smile. "Hi there! I'm Ashton!" He greets us.

"Hi," I giggle, "I'm Landon and the frozen fan girl is Halley." I point to my best friend who seems to be in shock but I can't blame her; these boys are basically her idols. Like if I met All Time Low or even Mayday Parade; nope I'd be a huge mess. With a chuckle and nod he turns to shout, "CALUM, LUKE, YOUR GIRLFRIENDS ARE HERE!"

I feel my face go red but laugh at the lungs on this boy. I mean damn, in that moment Luke comes down the hall with a smile after shooting daggers to his band mate. He hugs me, "You made it." He says with a grin. "Of course i did" like many times before we stand there smiling like idiots and looking into my eyes. I can't help the feeling in my stomach that comes with the blue color, I mean blue is my favorite color but I'd be lying if I said feeling this way for Luke in such a short amount of time makes me anxious.

This article and my past are definitely holding me back from letting myself get fully involved with this amazing guy but I can't help it. Not to mention the many cation signs that come with dating him, the fans could hate me, he'll be gone and touring with millions of girls falling at his feet and I just don't know if I could be okay with that. I know I'm nothing special, how could I be if everyone leaves? So why does he think I am?

"Let's go meet the others," he takes my hand and leads me to the living room, "Well you know Calum, that's Michael-"

"But you can call me Mikey!" I laugh with a nod as Luke continues, "And you met Ashton at the door, sorry about him by the way."

"It's fine, Halley is the same way when she has too much sugar." I giggle. "Hey!" She protests making us all laugh.

"Don't worry, I like that about you." Calum tells her earning an 'Awwww' from us all. "Well it was nice to meet you two." They smile then Luke says, "Come here." The others start having their own conversations when he leads me to a balcony with a bench. I give him a confused look to which he chuckles, oh I love his chuckle.

"I wanted some alone time with you." He smiles sweetly, and there go the damn butterflies. "So I'm sure we've covered the basics, tell me something different about yourself." I put on my bet thinking face before smiling and explaining, "I can do this with my thumb." I pull my thumb back and fold it behind my hand.

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