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*Landon's POV*

"You're kidding right?" Halley says looking at me with confusion. I was getting ready for my new job as a waitress and for some reason Halley doesn't think I should be working there.

"I expected you to publish a book, apply for the newspaper, TMZ, another magazine, something you would actually enjoy. Not this." I roll my eyes, she just doesn't get it.

I can't go back to writing. After what happened, its just not the same. "Halley, I told you I'm done writing." I explain for the thousandth time.

"We'll just see about that," she gets up from we place on my bed walking to my dresser. Opening the top drawer she calls out, "ah ha!" And in her hands is my journal.

That's where I write about my days, things I need to get off my chest or poems, story ideas, everything. But I haven't touched it recently.

"Landon! Your last entry was the night of the premiere!?" She sounds surprised. I remember sitting in the little bit of light my bedside lamp gave off as Luke slept writing about him.

I should rip that page out.

"Told you." Is all I say before I grab my stuff and walking into the living room with Halley following closely behind me.

"Fine, but Landon I know you and you can't not write."

"Halley just please drop it." My phone rings in my hand signaling I have a text, I check it and see it's from Calum.

He misses you.

I type back, Ha! Sureeee

"What's so funny?" Halley asks.

"Calum says you know who misses me." I begin laughing harder.


"Don't you start too." I glare at her.

Of course I'm happy that Calum and I could stay friends, he apologized for not letting me explain and him and Halley are stronger than ever, but all they ever do is team up and try to get me to believe Luke even remotely felt or feels what I did.

Not gonna happen, I'm over it.

"Just talk to him and you'll-"

"I'm gonna be late. Bye." I cut her off and leave apartment.

*Luke's POV*

Laying in bed staring at the ceiling for no reason really I try deciding what I want to do. Either stay in or go out again. Suddenly there's a knock on my door, sitting up I see Ashton peek in.


"What's up?" I ask.

"Can we talk?" I feel bad for blowing up on him and the guys so much so I agree. He steps into my room and closes the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?" He questions, studying me.

I just shrug, "Luke..." He starts. But this time I let him finish, "she was so wrong." He says. "That's a given, but the way you're acting. Going out every night, making out with random girls, and blowing off the fans... That's not you. That's you letting her win."

Granted my methods of getting over her were wrong but it was working. I was feeling better, this experience changed me. Now I see in a career like mine you can't trust people so I don't let them in anymore. Being on my own with my band mates is easier and better.

"You don't get it." I say simply.

"No, that's where you're wrong, because I do get it. I saw the way you looked at her, you haven't acted like that over a girl since grade school. And what gets me is I saw the way she looked at you and I just don't get how-" I cut him off. If I hear someone else say that they saw what I saw in her when she was around me it'll get my hopes up and that's the last thing I want right now.

"Stop." Our eyes meet and he nods understanding what I mean.

"Just.. Talk to us Luke, were best friends, your brothers. We're here for you. I get it hurts-"

"It doesn't-"

"Let me finish," he pleas so I stay silent. "I get it hurts but you can't just play this act and shut out everyone over one girl."

"But she's the only one I wanted.." I admit quietly. I'm not even sure Ashton heard me or why I even said it.

"Just take this night to get yourself together and please focus on these rehearsals. Tour starts in two weeks." He reminds me. With that I nod letting him excuse himself from my room.

I need to get my shit together, but as of right now I just need more time. Because being this Luke hurts less.

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