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*Landons POV*

"I quit." I decide.

"What a shame, you could've been something big here Landon." She tells me while standing and walking to the printer pushing out papers.

"Not at that price." I spit at her crossing my arms over my chest.

"Shame, well on your way out could you be a dear and hand this to Greg from publishing?" She smiles sweetly. It's disgusting, I'm about to tell her where she can shove that bogus article when an idea pops into my head. I'll throw the article out so she can't publish it.

"Of course Barbra." I smile taking the article from her hand and grabbing my bag then leaving her office.

I was walking down the hall reading over the article, this is just horrible. How could someone actually believe this trash? Suddenly my body is colliding with another, "Oh shoot sorry I-"

I look up to see Luke's bright blue eyes. "Oh hey babe." He smiles. I return the smile while he bends down to pick up the papers I dropped, "what are you doing here?" He asks.

He's about to look down at the papers in his hand when I remember what they say, I snatch them quickly from his grasp and try to smile. "You don't want to read that." I say quickly.

A smirk forms on his lips, "Is that your writing? I wanna see!" He cheers and takes the papers from me.

"No Luke-" I plead but he cuts me off.

"5 Seconds of Summer: Sticking to their roots or letting fame get to their heads?" His face is unreadable for the first time since I've met him. My heart drops into my stomach, "What is this?" He questions when Calum walks up.

"What's up?" He greets us unaware of what Luke had just read. He noticed the tension between us and looks to the papers taking them from his hands.

"Calum n-" I begin but he reads Barbra's lies out loud.

*Luke's POV*

"After the few weeks I have spent with the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer I can confirm that, Luke is quite the possessive type when it comes to his girlfriends, Michael and Ashton are taking advantage of their fame and possibly using illegal substances and Calum seems to be involved with one of his groupies." I keep my eyes on Landon as her face pales with each word Cal reads.

"Give me that!" She reaches for the papers but I take it before she can.

I read over the next paragraph and almost every sentence is filled with insults towards my band mates and I. Anger begins to grow inside of me, did she write this?

When? Why? Why would she do this? I've only met her a few weeks ago and I thought.. I thought she really liked me. But she was using me.

This whole time, and she just said yes to being my girlfriend...

Landon reaches for the papers again but I use my height as an advantage. I flip through the papers and see the bottom says 'by, Landon Monroe'

Even though the proof is in front of me I just can't process this.

The papers are taken from me by Calum as he continues reading, "Recently Calum has been seen around with a girl he met at a club. Being the ladies man everyone claims he is I wasn't surprised to hear that the groupie girl has got him wrapped around her finger." Calum's face shows how confused and hurt he is, I'm sure mine is the same way. "What the hell?" He asks Landon.

Her breathing has increased as worry lines take up the space on her forehead. It takes everything in me not to caress her cheek and try to make her smile.

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