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*Landon's POV*

I woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose restricting me from breathing. Last time I run in the rain. I think even Halley is gonna enforce that rule because she's been playing my maid all morning.

"Knock knock it's Dr. Luke here to save the day!" The blond boy cheers as he enters my room.

"Isn't it supposed to be Dr. Hemmings? Ya know your last name and all?" I correct him with a smile threatening on my lips.

"What? No. I'm right and your sick, now let Dr. Luke take care of the beautiful patient." The last comment is all I need for my smile to break free. What a dork. But he's a cute dork.

"Okay okay, you win." I laugh.

"Of course I do." He smiles because setting a tray on my lap. "Now we have tomato soup because it's your favorite and some green tea that Halley happily made because she thinks I'd burn the house down is I touched the stove. Heads up, soup is a bit too hot."

He rocks back and forth on his heels with a shy smile making me giggle at his sweet attempt to take care of me.

"How did you even know I was sick?" I ask.

"I uh- I called because of... Last night and well Halley said that you were still asleep because you're sick so what better way to say sorry than to attempt to make you something to eat and offer to be your servant until your cold goes away." His smile is uneasy and a slight blush has taken color on his cheeks.

"What are you sorry for?" I question, does he think I ran out because of him last night? Oh man, he does. He shrugs his shoulders before looking to the floor.

"Just if I did anything to make you run out like that I'm sorry I didn't know I-"

"No, Luke it wasn't you I swear it. I just- I forgot I had this article I needed to write and I flipped out. I'm sorry."

"Oh.. Wait what article?" He asks now sitting at the foot of my bed. I look down to the soup still steaming on my lap trying to come up with an excuse but nothing comes.

"I uh- I interviewed for a job at Seventeen magazine and I got my first assignment..." I'm gonna tell him, I have to. I-

"That's great! I'm so happy for you Landon!" He gushes with a bright smile. I wait for him to ask what about but he doesn't instead he gets up and kisses my forehead. He pulls away hesitantly looking at me for approval, all I can do is smile.

"S-sorry" he blushes.

"N-no it's fine." I smile reassuringly at Luke.

"So just to be sure..." He starts. "We're okay right?"

"Yeah. Yeah of course, I just.." I sigh frustrated with myself for not being able to explain things as easily as I wish. It's always been hard for me, but I don't want it to be this hard with Luke I want to be able to tell him anything without this feeling In my chest and this want to just run away.

I need to stop running away.

"In time I'll be able to explain more easily, I promise just, I've always sucked with words." I say not looking into his eyes. "I just... I really like you and I don't want to mess this up." I admit.

"I like you too, Landon." I look up and see a smile taking up half of his face.

You know in like first grade, how if you liked a boy you'd leave notes on his desk and say, I like you, do you like me? And you'd put two boxes with a yes or no for him to check and if he checked that yes box it was the best feelings ever?

That is exactly how I felt and it just multiplied by one million the moment his lips met mine.


"So I was thinking," Luke began as he helped me make my bed after washing all of the sickness from my sheets. It's been a week since what happened at Luke's house and the following morning and Luke has been here, even slept over; just to take care of me. Of course he went to whatever thugs the band needed him for but other than that he was he and attending to anything I needed.

I'm surprised he's not sick of me yet.

"Yes?" I prompt him as I organize my pillows.

"Since you're feeling better, I was wondering if you'd like to come to this premiere that the band was invited to?"

"Premiere? Like an event? As in other famous people will be there too?" I question. He nods slowly waiting for my answer. Just as I'm about to say yes other thoughts come up, "and with other famous people come, interviewers and cameras and your fans seeing everything and everything you're with or talk to?"

"If you don't want to-"

"No, Luke it's not that. It's just... You know what, never mind. I'll go." His eyes widen and a smile spreads across his lips.

"Really?" I nod as he runs over and hugs me. "I'm gonna have the hottest date there." He says before kissing my forehead.

Let's hope his fans think so too, at least.

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