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*Landon's POV*

The next morning was simple, I was awoken by Luke poking my cheek, asking if I was awake. Reluctantly I peeked an eye open to meet the blonde boy with a small smile looking innocent as ever. I closed my eye snuggling into his chest requesting we go back to sleep, but against my will Luke jumps up and down on the bed until I'm awake and washed up.

He claims he wants breakfast so we decide on going out. Of course we were followed by paps and it took all the self control I had to not flip them off and tell them off. Instead Luke kept his hand firmly in mine giving it a squeeze every time they brought up the incident.

Finally we made it to a close by Denny's and were seated at a booth looking over our menus in silence.

I tried to focus on the pictures of delicious breakfasts, but all I could think about was all the things that were left unsaid.

After everything that happened I still feel bad about the article all together. Granted, I didn't lie and put the guys on blast, I still invaded Luke's privacy and now I see what it's like to have no control over that. I personally thought it didn't matter because Luke chose this career with the knowledge that this is how things get. No privacy, but that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have to worry about every person he meets selling a story to the tabloids.

I feel it too, the hate on twitter, the lack of privacy when it came to Lacey, and my and Luke's fallout on every gossip channel. It's horrible and I'm no better.

"Landon." Luke's voice breaks me away from my thoughts. I shake my head giving him my attention.


"What do you want to drink?" He laughs. I then realize a brunette waitress is standing at the end of the table with a notepad in her hand.

"Oh, uh- coffee please." I smile sweetly.

She nods and tells us she'll be back in a few. "Hey are you okay?" Luke questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just I.." I sigh frustrated, I feel like I'm back at square one. Lying and hiding and I don't want that with Luke anymore.

"Landon, not this again." He sighs.

"No, I know. I'm just- I feel bad.." I trail off.


"Just, I'm sorry Luke. I really am, I shouldn't have written that article. The moment I realized my feelings for you I should've backed off or at least quit." I blurt out.

"Landon.." He starts running a hand through his styled hair.

"No I know we talked and everything, but I invaded your privacy and I had no right. I deserve all the hate I got and the things you said."

"No, you didn't Landon." He stops for a moment looking down at the table. "I mean, the reason I got so mad is because I feel like everyone I meet is looking for something. Like my fame will benefit them and that's all they want or they try to get dirt and I mean it sucks. I love my job, I really do. But when I found out about your article.. And read what it said, it hurt. And I covered that hurt with anger and I handled the situation the worst way possible but it's just because.." He takes a breath finally looking in my eyes.

"You're so beautiful, and you're like the girl version of me! You like the same music, you write, I write songs, you're awkward and so am I and I love the way you laugh and scrunch up your nose, or how you are obsessed with coffee. You're morning voice, the way your bed head is a mess but it still looks adorable on you. And when I didn't have you to talk to, I felt trapped again.."

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