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The smile on my face dissipated with the last breath of my loving mother, her soft skin, running cold with the second. Gone. She was gone.

Those last moments she had to live, all because I wasn't there.

I look at her blood soaked clothes.

Her face pale, her eyes clouding over, her hair, dull as a pencil. I watched as the life leaves her bright blue eyes.
The color of life leaves her face slowly.

One single tear slipped down my face as my throat closed, and my nose burned. I wanted to but I couldn't. She wouldn't want that. I will let one tear slip, and that tear is already soaked into my bare skin.

My head down, heavy breathing, I keep myself at bay.

I wanted him dead. Fate, is what they call him. I never believed in the mischievous b*stard until now.

My deep brown, almost black eyes are filled with anger, betrayal, and most of all............Guilt.

My eyebrows contorted, my chest heaving up and down.

I look at her.

She was as beautiful as ever. Past all of the dirt, blood and pain, and she was a beauty at rest.

But she was my mother. My best friend. She was supposed to be there for my wedding day. My first child...............She was supposed to be there.

I take her hand and lay it over her chest, and do so with the other, crossing her legs.

I grab flowers from the garden, the garden that was trampled over by pesky mutts.

Ones who lived with him......Fate.........

Fate was just what they called him....But his real name was Caldron Baelsmyth. My now, mortal enemy.

He had the power to reel havoc on his enemies, sending his posse after innocent people.

He was fate.....And I wanted him dead. And what did I do?

"Fate.....Fate......Fate you b*stard!" I scream, with each word, screaming it with more pain, anger and hatred toward the man who ordered her death.

"What have I done?" I say looking at the blood on my hands. Her blood. Mom's blood. Was it going to stain mine or his? What did she do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve this?

What have I done............. That was the question of the last few centuries.

I stand up, stark naked, my clothes shredded in the shift into my Wolf. The shift that was to late. The shift that failed to save my now, cold dead mother.

Why did I go? Why did I have to go to that dang party?

A party to just forget everything. If I knew this was the price of messing around with a male, who was not mine, I would never have done it. I never should have gone. But was that what I did to endure this? It's not like it was anything serious.

But why did Fate care? Why......Unless......No. It couldn't be.

It was the only explanation. But being unfaithful, was never enough to end someone's life. It was no excuse to kill someone. I thought I didn't have another half and in the moment, I didn't care whether I had one or not. It's very rare to find a them, as Alpha's are very territorial, and don't like strangers on their land without permission, or membership.

"Fate? Are we destined to be?" I say, confusion in my voice.

Suddenly a crack of thunder resounded across the pack land. My heart stops.

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