Chapter Eleven: My Legs.

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I was now regretting falling back asleep in the morning and not waking up until 12 pm at night.

One, because I was wide awake.

Two, because no matter how much my mind wanted sleep my body was bouncing off the walls, basically screaming "to bad so sad."

And three, because Caldrons legs were making everything below my waist go numb.

Yes, he was basically strangling my hips with his legs.

I was on my back, laying vertically and he was horizontal with one leg over me, and on leg under me, squeezing, probably afraid I would run away.

Well I really can't because my legs are trapped, but I am guessing it's the point in all of this. But I really want to be able to walk again.

It isn't fun! Especially when my feet are starting to tingle, my waist is starting to throb, and my legs are completely numb.

Well I understand what his subconscious was doing, but its not like I could go away at all, because whether I liked it or not he kept me company. And us sleeping in the same bed, calmed me down.....And I don't think it's gonna be a one time thing. Plus, I had nowhere to go! And I agreed to make it work THIS MORNING.

Well this circumstance is REALLY changing my mind on the whole, "let's share a bed" thing. More so the, "let's make it work" thing.

I try to push him off, but he just grunts and squeezes tighter. Oh my Lord, get off now!

I sit up partially and try to smack him in the face.

But I can't reach him. So I can't smack the living sh*t out of him. Plus I might scare him into accidentally snapping one of my bones that wouldn't heal for a while. Especially if it's an injury from your mate. It would also give him an excuse to carry me, and I will not have that.

I start to back up and try and pull my legs out of his, and nope......He squeezes even tighter.

I couldn't even get the cliche arm not letting me up! I could at least bite that, but I can't bend that far to bite his leg, nor did I want too.

His leg was hairy......And it was gross. And weird. And I wasn't gonna bite his leg cuz that's weird.

I glare at him with all of my discomfort and then just sigh.

I look over his body and-woah........

How did I not notice that he was only in boxers until now?

Oh right.....I have his giant legs crushing me to death.

I could yell..... but that would scare the crap out of him, and he would probably end up breaking my pelvis from, 'protecting me'. Boy, your legs are doing more damage than any attacker could. Plus he would had to twist somehow to get up, and with him probably going too fast, could break it in half.

I thought about stuff ok? You had a lot of time to think when your waist is trapped.

I look at him. Maybe a peaceful wakeup call?

I lay down and rub his leg lightly....He stirs a bit... this was so weird. He didn't even wake up in the slightest. He twitched. That's it. Freaking bear........

I reach over and rub his side and he stirs again, so I take his hand and rub his knuckles and his eyes finally open. And he stretches, making the pressure  more narrow on my his and pushing really hard on my bones.

"Ow. Ow ow ow!" I scream and he looks at me confused and rubs his face roughly.

I let go of his hand and smack him as hard as I can, him putting his hands up to protect his face. I can't even reach that, or else I would have!

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