Chapter Nine: My Experiments.

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I wake up with a stomach growling and stand up from the ruffled up bed, from my restless sleep.

Walking to the door, I open it, to be met with a sleeping Caldron.

He was leaned against the wall, his eyes closed and chest going up and down, telling my he was still alive.

Was I maybe hoping that he died? Just maybe a tiny tad but but I won't admit it out loud, nor in my head because the tug already hurts as is. Even being near him is almost not cutting it.

I walk around him, and just look at his face.

His eyebrows where furrowed making him look confused, his jaw clenched in pain, and I could already tell his teeth where clenched. He was in pain. A pain I could help with. But did I want to?

I kneel down to his level and he twitches a bit, probably from my presence.

How badly I just wanted to hug him, and kiss him. Be with him......But Fate.....what would he do to me? I could possibly forgive Caldron someday.... I was still wary if the guy.

I mean of course I wanted to be with Caldron. But I was just too d*mn stubborn to admit it. He was my mate, I felt attraction, and longing for him....But that didn't mean I wouldn't fight it, and fight him.

He was a mystery. I knew nothing about him, other that the fact he's smoother than butter with his words.

But Fate.....what was it? What set him off? What brought him out of Caldron?

Could he come out when Caldron was feeling sad, happy, confused, what emotion set him off?

"Hello darling." A husky voice pipes up and I snap out of my daze full of questions and confusion.

I  switch my gaze to him and see he is awake and staring at me with a genuine smile.

He was so cute when he smiled. am I supposed to feel?

Sad, happy, mad, attraction, disgust what? What am expected to feel, and what do I feel? What do I want to feel?

I sigh at him and then sit on my butt, against the wall behind me.

He just looks at me intently and smiles every now and then.

I needed to perform an experiment. Test his emotions. Obviously the happiness of me actually tolerating being near him, of my own free will, made him happy.

Check. Not happiness. But I guessed it wasn't that. I mean if that where so then Fate would be here anytime I came near him.

I feel my stomach start to bubble in hunger, wanting something to eat other than cold diner food and watered down coke.

I really wanted food, i haven't eaten since i came here which was two days ago. I was passed out for a few hours and missed dinner, and didn't have the courage to go and have food while I left Caldron outside my door.

Maybe curiosity....

I stare at him. "I have a question....." I say. He sits up straighter, he looks at me expectantly. I look in his eyes to sense Fate. Nothing there. Just patience.

He clears his throat and crosses his arms and fidgets

"Yes darling?" He finally asks me. I loved when he call- Stop right their Vivian, bad girl.

I look at him completely serious. " the kitchen?" I ask him. He just smirks and chuckles.

"Hungry? I can make you breakfast." He says to me standing up and ruffling his hair walking off.

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