Chapter Twenty: My Choice.

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My mind spins at the idea, and I weigh the options.

Either I figure out what's on the page, and at least have a small chance of finding the solution to this entire mess.....

Or I just sit here and let my future be set.....Let this be my Fate.....

Not an option. Unlike Caldron I believe in making my own destiny.

"This works?" I ask Amelia. And she nods, and I look behind me towards a Caldron who is avoiding eye contact.

I look at Amelia. "Did Caldron know this was an option?" I ask her, realizing Caldron looked extremely guilty.

She puts her head down and Caldron sighs from behind me.

He did.

"You knew?" I say turning towards him with a stern tone, and the feeling of betrayal set in my eyes.

He looks at me with guilt and then looks to the ground scuffing his feet.

"How could you not tell me? You may be all for Fate writing itself, but this is my future too, whether you like it or not. So get your shit together because I'm doing this. I'm not giving up. Quit waiting for something good to happen. Nothing good has happened. Not even when you found me." I say to him and I let out a sigh tears falling down my pillow printed cheeks.

"What do we need to do?" I ask her, building up the courage, and wiping away the guilty tears.

She puts a bony finger up and walks over to her containers sifting through the different options.

She goes through the viles mumbling but eventually gets loud enough for me to hear her.

"No, no, ah, here it is dearie!" She says grabbing a vile and walking over to me with a hobble in her step.

She hands me the bottle, and clasps her hands as I look at the label. "Memory foam?" I ask her. "As in, the memory foam you put on a bed?" I ask her with an eyebrow raised.

She just laughs and smacks her knee.

"No dearie, the only magical thing about that, would be a good night's sleep, and I don't sleep, so I wouldn't know the feeling." She says chuckling and walking around the table.

She opens the bottle and a blue glow emits from the mysterious capsule its placed in. The blue hue pulses slowly like a sleeping souls heartbeat.

She closes it up suddenly, and smiles at me as I am pulled from the trance the potion caused.

"It's best to say goodbye, just in case dearie." She says gesturing behind me.

I turn around to Caldron. He has a sad look in his eyes as he leans against the table. The defeated look in his eyes made him seem like a child.

I stand in front of him as he pouts at me, not making eye contact, with a small just in his lip.

"I'm still pissed at you. You should have told me." I reprimanded him looking at his avoiding gaze.

He sighs, and it comes out shaky and his chin quivers. My heart breaks here, knowing how stubborn and string willed he see him look so broke. It was heartbreaking.

I sigh and pull him into a hug as he silently sobs, knowing I would do this one way or another. I grip his hair and his head falls onto my shoulder, his hands at his side's.

I was stubborn. And he knew it. He knew I needed his blessing or I would do it when he wasn't here.

It was gonna happen.

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