Chapter Twenty-Three: My Orders

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READ THIS ITS IMPORTANT-Warning: Very touchy chapter. Trigger warnings. If you want to avoid any triggers, then once you hit the dots just, Stop reading or go to the next chapter if one is available. Now:

With a large gasp of crisp air, my eyes open wide with fear and confusion.

I scramble into a sitting position and look around, jerking my head, only to find I was naked.

I was in the middle of a small clearing, covered in dirt and grass, smelling like death itself.

I rub my chest in slow circles to ease the ache of my string jerking from the ill feelings toward Caldron.

"There there child, it's alright. Here." I look around to find a voice, but am only met with a shirt falling into my lap.

I slip it on and stand up slowly, looking around with a calculating gaze. Listening for any tells as to where he was.

"If I wanted to hurt you, dear Vivian, I would have done it already." He says to me from somewhere.

I had no idea who he was, and he had an English accent. You really don't hear foreign voices in the wolf world.

I gulp and push my hair back looking around.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? How do you know my name?" I ask slowly turning in circles trying to spot this mystery man.

"This disappoints me, my dear child. I thought you would know who I am." I keep looking and lick my lips, keeping a sharp eye out.

"Well, sorry to disappoint.....wait. I'm not. Who the hell are you, and what have you done with me?" I say sternly, frustrated I haven't spotted him yet.

"Oh, little girl. The question isn't what I've done to you. It's what I'm going to do. I have a lot planned for you, little spitfire." He teases.

I growl lowly and pick up a giant stick and hold it up. "Ok, first off asshole, touch me and I will rip your d*ck off, and shove it down your throat. Secondly, I'm not your play thing, and I'm not your dear, so why don't you take that mouth of yours and sew it to your asshole, because with how much shit your spewing, it must be in the wrong place." I snarl out.

"That won't be necessary. Seems spitfire is an accurate name. Is it not?" He says again.

"Do I look like a damn Dragon to you?" I say squinting my eyes.

"No, you don't sweetheart." He says.

"Did you not take my advice? Shut your mouth! This coward won't even show his face. What? Scared I'll bite? Well your not wrong. I'm not scared to get my teeth dirty." I say.

Suddenly he is walking out of the shadows and I told the large stick in front of me.

I stare at him and shake my head. "Gotta say. Your face is pretty disappointing." I say pursing my lips and nodding my head.

"Gotta say. Your language is disappointing." He says tsking.

"Mmmm. I like to say I have a widespread vocabulary." I say with a small smirk, seeing as I am literally pissing him off.

"Keep running that mouth of yours, and Caldron won't live to hear it." He says completely serious.

My eyes widen a fraction and I clench my jaw, but I am not backing out of this.

"See, there's no place in people's mouths for lies." I say staring him straight in the eyes.

A small smirk makes its way onto his lips and all of the sudden my stick I was holding up, is smack out of my hands, and I am held in a chokehold.

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