Chapter Two: My Consequence.

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Life was dull. It was lifeless.

I had no reason to live. The light I had to keep me out of the dark was no longer there. Dead.

The night she died, I buried her in the backyard, in her favorite spot under the willow tree. Today I had to change her flowers.

I grabbed the flowers off of the counter offer got from the florist.

I could have gotten them from the garden, but she deserved the best flowers in town, and that came from Darla's Flower Boutique. Plus, I didn't have a green thumb like my mother did. So I just let the garden do it's thing.

I look at the makeshift headstone.

We don't get headstones made, in Werewolf world, we make them ourselves. It means more. Instead of a complete stranger carving a few sweet words, we put work into it.

So, I went to the local tombstone shop, and made her one.

All of the headstones were different. If you where wealthy enough, then you would get pure crystal. But mom was never flashy.

I knew she wanted something more valuable than a shiny rock.

So I mad her one out of cobblestone.

And with permanent paint, it's inscribed,

"Here lies Karen Blackheart. Widowed mate, beloved mother, and victim to Fate."

Most victims where victims to diseases or old age. But many, out of most, where victims to Fate.

I sit and put the flowers down.

I just stare at the headstone and read what i wrote. Over and over again. Those words, and victim to Fate. The words bounce in my mind. Why did I put it there?

So she didn't seem pathetic. That she died because she was killed, and didn't die by withering away slowly, but went out without a choice.

So they knew she wasn't a coward. That she took death by the throat.

Finally I grow tired of thinking and lay on the soft grass.

The grass, the shade, the sun. Knowing I was near my mother. Put me at peace. But also riled me up knowing that instead of cloud watching like we always did, she was under the ground.

How Fate knew we were mates, and ever expected to be with me after he sicked his mutts on my mother, I guess I will never know.

I took my mother's death as rejection. It hurt. To know he took away two things that can and would make me happy.

I was truly alone.

I week after my mother's death, the boy I danced with died of a mutt attack. His tombstone also says Victim of Fate.

My mother's smile resides in my mind and I close my eyes remembering her.

Her beautiful Cherry red hair, her missing tooth, she was insecure about but it made her all the more beautiful. Her bright blue eyes, her hands......She was beautiful.

There isn't anything to bring her back. I can never see those things, feel those things in person, ever again.


I sit up and walk away from her grave, not looking back, for I had a fear in would break if I ever looked at it again.

I needed out of here. Away from this place. I needed to get away from the memories.

I walk into my mother's room and walk straight to her jewelry box.

I open it and the first thing i see is her necklace she got on her and dads last anniversary together.

It was in the shape of a large raindrop, with a light blue crystal in the middle and swirly carvings around it. It was a white gold piece and it was beautiful.

I clipped it on, with difficulty, my nails kept getting caught in the clasp.

I look at the room, walking to the bed, smoothing out her comforter.

I go to her closet, and brush my hands over her clothes.

Mostly black, blue, and peachy colors.

Gazing at her favorite shirt, i rip the bottom seam off. I wouldn't take the whole thing. Only a bit.

I wrap it around my left wrist and tie it.

Two pieces. Her two favorite things. Besides me. But now we are all together.

I walk to my bedroom and pack clothes and walk out the door with my life savings in the bag.

Also mom's. I look at it and shove it in. Feeling guilty for taking it. But it's not like she could use it anyways.

I shake the thought out of my head and stretch the straps of my book bag to my wolf's size. I take off the necklace, place it in the side pockets and my bracelet should be fine. My ankles where small enough.

But wolf necks expand, considerably in size, and the prized necklace would be shattered.

I shift and run off into the woods,not looking back at the house I used called home.

I knew my mission.

I knew what I had to do.

I Had the find him.

I had to find Fate.

I'm coming for you Caldron Baelsmyth. And either I kill you, or I love you. Either way.....we will meet soon.

Song: Ain't No mountain High Enough by Jonas William

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