Chapter Sixteen: My Warrior

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The joy we had found for those few moments in Raymond's Grocery, ended once all of the bags where in the trunk, leaving us both with blending music and awkward tension.

Sitting in this car was a bore. Even if I was only in it for a about 10 minutes, because everything was in one place.

The music was boring, every song blended together, among it sound like it was all a giant song wrapped in one, Caldron was completely silent, and this town wasn't exactly something fun to look at with all of the bland buildings, and glaring people.

I stare out the window, as we drive by the town that always seemed to have rain plaguing them, day in, day out.

How do they play? I would play in the rain. Puddles splashing, rain hitting my skin, my clothes getting soaked in the most uncomfortable matter, catching a cold......

But they seemed like grouchy home-bodies. And they obviously don't like change....Or people. Or their Alpha. They treated Caldron like shit, as well as me but at least they respected his orders.

So I don't think they would like the rain, beings it's all they see.

But me, on the other hand......

It was all worth it. To feel the rain cool you down, the mud relax you and the puddles amuse you with the tiny ripples blending together with every drop that ruptured the seamless surface.

To put it bluntly I love the rain, but more of a sunshower. Or sprinkle. Not gloomy and cold every day, having no pretty poofy clouds to stare at.

The clouds I see now where depressing really, grey and sullen.

A single raindrop falls and hits the window, and almost immediately fifty other drops followed in-suit. Of course.

What was new.

I sigh at the horrid weather.

I hadn't had any sunlight. My relationship with rain was more of a love/hate relationship.

How Tyler Warling got as tan as she did was beyond me.

Maybe they had a tanning saloon. Of maybe she had a personal tanning bed.

Pondering over Tyler's personal hobbies had started to bore me, so I use my time to stare at Caldron, and his stupid, but seemingly flawless face and complexion.

I could clearly see he was clenching his jaw whilst he used his fingers as drums against the worn steering wheel.

He glances at me, but focuses on the road once more, furrowing his eyebrows and chewing his lip.

Where did his devilishly good looks come from?

In fact......who was Caldron Baelsmythe? Who did he descend from?

Who where his creators? Did he look like them or a distant cousin?

Now this brings me to a question. Where where his parents?

"Caldron......." I say in a quiet questioning tone, pondering wether to ask of his relationship with them.

Did he hate them, love them, where the gone like my parents where, did he ever get to meet them, did he get mad at me on the subject of my mother because he never had one in the first place? Questions fly through my mind like a child on a sugar high.

He glances and raises his eyebrows in curiosity.

I bite my lip in a anticipation. I didn't know if this where a sensitive question.

What do I do?

Ask him, don't ask him........
Well, knowing I'm an impatient asshole, let's ask him.

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