Chapter Eight: My Wounds.

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"Stop picking at it darling, you'll make it worse!" Caldron says to me pulling my hands away from my bloody shoulder.

I touch the tender mark one more time in defiance and let out a shaky sigh. He didn't prep me for anything. Just bit me. He is supposed to numb it first. Well, it is partially my fault, but I needed another reason to be mad at him.

I might not have wanted the mark the first time but i didn't stop him, or beg him not to, partially because I was scared for my life....but this time......He actually forced marked me, the first time was fine, no bleeding, pain, or anything. But I still didn't give permission for either of the markings.

And I count the first one forced because I can. And technically I never said yes either.

Marks take forever to heal when they aren't prepped first. It's why many females die from marking, because the males don't prep it the first time they get marked and its so painful they die.

But that's when they are stupid possessive alphas that have no patience, and respect for their females.

Oh wait...that sounds like someone we know.

I already was in a world of pain from my wounds and my mark healed me, forced or not. Markings heal mates, so if the time came and he would have died, I would have to mark him because knows him at least that. But there will be no romantic feelings involved.

I look at him with tears in my eyes and then just sink to the floor slowly with my face in my hands.

Why the hell did on come into this god forsaken town? Oh yeah. Cuz jerkface was chasing me. Again, fearing for my life.

All of the wounds healed faster because of the marking taking action in healing me, so all of my wounds where just scars to disappear in a few years. But the mark needed all of that extra pain gone, to heal faster. If it all healed at the same pace, I would probably be dead right now.

He sits in front of me.

"My darling, I am so sorry but it was the only way to save you. I couldn't let you die. I'm a selfish a**hole, and selfish a**holes get what they want. And I want you darling. So you're going to find a way to cope with that." He says.

"Did you never think in your mind that I would rather die with dignity than be saved like a damsel in distress." I mutter into my hands.

"Did it look like I was about to let my mate die when there very well, was a way to save her? Darling, I'm an dumbas*, but i'm not stupid nor blind to the options. Death or you. Of course I chose you. " He says using my tone.

I groan and drop my hands, looking at him pouting.

He was kneeling in front of me a few inches away from my face.

He stuck out his tongue and winked, giving me a smirk.

He was trying to make me smile.

"Nice try buttface." I say gruffly, turning on my side away from him.

"Buttface? Darling, if you could be ever more childish." He laughs out.

"You were making faces. They were stupid, and hardly something to laugh at." I say.

"It was worth a try right?" He says innocently. Innocent my butt.

I turn my head and narrow my eyes at him. What was he planning.....I had a feeling I needed to make a comeback.

"You do realize that you dug a hole bigger with this mating thing right? You marked me TWICE without permission, killed my mom, and denied me relief while I was in pain." I say. "You didn't even let me die with dignity." I reprimand him.

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