Chapter Fourteen: My Gap.

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"No." He states shaking his head.

I groan in frustration.

"I can walk. I have legs. Right left, right left- do you not get the concept of 'walking'?" I ask him as he carries me off the stairs and into the dining room.

"Yes I get the concept perfectly fine. I am doing it now." He says in a duh tone.

"I mean me dipstick!" I say with a layer of frustration in my voice.

"Well, you wanted chicken nuggets." He retorts in a sassy tone, still walking to the kitchen.

I look at him and he looks at me eyebrows raised.

I pull him down and bring his hear to my mouth.

"And you know what else I want?" I say biting my lip.

"What?" He asks nervously, a bit of underlying husk in.his voice.

"TO WALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I scream in his ear causing him to let go of my legs.

Finally. Now i can move without that pesky asshole carrying me.

I stretch a bit and he speaks up.

"You are not a person! You are a wolf." He says wiggling his ear, probably recovering for going pretty much half deaf.

I turn to him and give him a dry look.

"You don't say? I never knew that, thank you SO much for that new information. You really opened up my eyes to see who I truly am!" I sarcastically way.

"Darling, you are such a child! Can you not let me care for you for at least ONE second out of the day? I-" he stops abruptly and shakes his head sighing.

"You what? You cannot keep me hanging that is more cruel than keeping ketchup in the fridge." I say crossing my arms.

(So pissed cuz it deleted everything after this and I was close 1,000 words. Also. Keeping ketchup in a fridge, or in a pantry, is purely based in preference. It doesn't go bad in the pantry because of the vinegar, and sodium preserving it. So it can be stored either or. I prefer pantry, so does most of my family. So does Vivian. Thank you.)

"I'm not cruel. It's not nice making a radical accusations like that darling." He says a smirk on his lips.

It goes silent. I didn't have anything to say.

Well damn.

"No retort? Well darling. I'm surprised. Mrs. Sassy pants has nothing to say today? You need to work on your comebacks darling. I miss our daily banter." He says with a bit if a posh tone in his voice.

That nickname again. Why does he call me darling? Who calls anyone Darling these days?

There where so many other things he could call me. So why darling?

Welp. Time to find out. I wasn't  gonna be sweet. I was gonna be a b*tch.

But what's new about that?

"Why darling? Why not kitten, or muffin or dumpling or beautiful? Why darling?" I say a bit frustrated at the nickname. It was hardly something to get frustrated at but I was desperate.

He walks around the counter and leans on it at the very edge, looking into my eyes peering into my soul.

"Why would I call you something that's name serves other purposes? I call you darling because you aren't a cat, or food, or a standard. You're simply you. My darling, you are more than anything I hoped for. I could hope for a kitten, or a muffin, but I got you. That's why I call you darling. Your unexpected. New. You." He says getting closer and closer with every sentence.

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