Chapter Twelve: My Questions.

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"You're being serious. Are you freaking kidding me?'s not happening." I screech walking away from him and into the kitchen, anger seeping out t of my skin and into the air.

I finally got my legs back, and was happily walking away from nonsense. I had enough of it from the time it slipped from his mouth.

"'s pack law. And you don't want them finding out your their Luna, so you have to." He says as his perfect lips curling into a cocky smirk. I want to burn him with my eyes.

"You're the Alpha! You make the law! Change it!" I blanch throwing my arms in the air, looking into his piercing eyes, as he stalks closer, I stepping back.

Noticing the way i back up he stops and stares, a cold look in his eyes, giving me chills.

He chuckles darkly. "Nope. The only way the induction fight isn't nude, is when you are a Luna...." He trails off smirking, trying to let me finish, but I was to pissed off to tease.

I huff and stay silent, waiting for the delivery of the answer I have been trying my hardest to avoid.

".........And you don't HAVE an induction fight." He finishes for me smiling a triumphant smile.

I glare into his perfect face, wishing it wasn't so perfect so I could have the willpower to punch it, but life isn't that kind.

And neither am I.

I clench my jaw, and grit my teeth holding the bag of cheesy popcorn in my hand.

I dart after him with a battle cry and hit him in the face with the giant bag of cheesy popcorn, the perfect balls of cheesy goodness falling to the floor, wasting it all.

I smirk in triumph at the look of his eyes closed, and cheesy face.

"Ha ha, food fights require clothes, beat that sucker!" My lame joke rings out. I really need to get better insults.....

He raises an eyebrow and i shrug. "I had to make a comment. Even if it was stupid." I say nonchalantly.

"You wasted cheesy popcorn.......To hit me in the face? You never cease to surprise me." He says.

He stares into my eyes lovingly but I felt weird so I decide he can't do that anymore.

I shrug and walk off to a find a bathroom to wash off all of the grime I had picked up.

I severely needed a shower. I stunk of BO, cheesy popcorn, ketchup and salty tears.

How Caldron survived with his hightened sense is beyond me. I probably would have passed out if I where him.

Alphas have senses higher than a normal wolf, it's what makes them stronger, faster, and more agile.

I walk into the normal sized bathroom and examine the soap in the perfectly dry bathtub.

There was regular men's suave, and strawberry body wash.

I giggle. It was almost empty. He used strawberry soap. Well, he smelled nice. Except for the minty breath. Bleh.

I swiftly turn around and walk to the sink crouching down in level with the doors, seeing if he had wash clothes, body wash and woman's shampoo and conditioner.

When opened, a variety of soap fought my eye, but more so.......a bath bomb.

My grin widens at the chalky looking ball and I grab it sniffing it.

It smelled of strawberries.

This dude must be obsessed with the red berry.

I start the warm water and peel off the cheesy smelling clothes and grabbing the soap and bath bomb, ready for use.

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