Chapter Twenty-Two: My Darling

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Caldrons POV

After she left, I felt nothing but regret. I didn't want her to leave..... I was upset. The fact that we had been through so much and Amelia even told me she loved me, and she pulls something like that on me.

I felt a string on my heart pulling steadily, getting tighter and tighter but I ignore the pain. We where both feeling ill feelings. We would be fine later.

I sigh and rub my chest as the string gets tighter and tighter, and I cough trying to breath.

Something was wrong.

I stand up, but fall to the floor, as the string I feel, snaps and I feel it fly back at me and rip at my once tethered soul.

What did she do? I scream in anguish and let out a howl as the string that once connected me to my mate, was burning.

She didn't.....No.

"Vivian!" I scream scrambling to my feet.

I run downstairs and kick the door down, running as fast as I can to get to Vivian.

But I was too late.

I get to the edge of town, and see her breaking down into wolf form, and she turns to me growling lowly.

Tears spring from my eyes as my throat forms a lump.

"No." I sob out with my lip quivering. I drop to my knees with an emptiness in my heart, the warmth I felt, from Vivian being there, was now replaced by a cold, dull ache.

She once warmed my heart. But now it was slowly cooling to ice. My darling was gone.

She was dead.
She was unblessed. And she chose to be.

Because I unintentionally rejected her.

And at this moment, I realize, I have lost everything.

"Vivian, please, darling no." I say quietly and I just stare at her.

Her eyes where......Empty.......

Just yellow eyes, narrowed to slits. She wasn't there.

My darling wasn't there.

She has her hackles raised, her snout forms a snarl, and she was feral.


I stand up slowly and get in an attack position.

She snarls and snaps her teeth, as I growl low and powerful. Not backing down.

She would submit, and I would tahke her to Amelia.

She stops growling and stands straight after I growl.

Then, she does the unexpected.

She runs away.

How? Unless.....

We where already more than halfway through the mating process.

The wolf recognized me as her mate. By it made no sense.

Unblessed where feral, no remorse but......

Unblessed have never had mates......

Vivian did, and I feel I could use that bond to get her back.

I look into the woods and still hear her running.


"Amelia!" I shout out, and she spoofs to me and stands there.

"Haven't I already helped you tonight?" She says sighing.

"Unblessed have evolved." I state once I have her attention.

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