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Chapter Eleven: Echo Flowers.

There was a lot more memories that you had shared with Sans but your favourite was when the two of you had thrown your friendship away and replaced it with something else.

This all happened at day 15 of staying with the skeleton brothers.


You were currently sleeping the day away, Sans was starting to rub off on you, speaking of Sans you were in his bed. You kind of just fell asleep in his bed, luckily Sans slept on the couch.
Your eyes slowly opened, you sat up and yawned, your eyes instantly watering.

You rubbed your eyes, got up off of the bed and started walking towards the door, You felt a little bad that you had stolen Sans' bed, and made him sleep on the couch.

You opened the door, exited the room and started to walk downstairs towards the couch, where Sans was. You had successfully made it to the couch but there was one problem, Sans wasn't there. "Maybe He's in the kitchen...?" You walked towards the kitchen and looked around, "Nope, he's not here."

You searched through the whole house, There was no sign of Sans, Papyrus wasn't there either, "Where are they?" You sighed.
You grabbed the bag(Backpack) that was full of all the things you had collected throughout your journey, speaking of journey you haven't really progressed and continued it, you've just been lounging around with the skelebro's, but mostly Sans.

Your stomach growled, "Oh yeah..." You said as you unzipped the bag, you pulled out a rather large slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie, "I wonder how Toriel is going.. and i wonder if she realised that i stole almost all of her butterscotch-cinnamon pie..." You shrugged and took a large bite out of the pie. Your mouth watered, "Holy shit this is so good!" You took a few more bites of the pie, there was a little more than half of it left but you wanted to save it so you wrapped it back up and put it back in the bag.

You walked towards the door, you were going to exit the house to look for Sans.
You placed your hand on the door knob and twisted it, you then opened the door and walked outside. 

Just as you had walked outside you were greeted with an overwhelming amount of cold air, you stuffed your hands in the pocket of the hoodie that once belonged to Sans. You took a deep breath and started to walk away from the house, but you didn't get far, the reason for that being a snowball making contact with your face.

You stood still and blinked a few times, "The hell.." You said as your eyes scanned the area for the culprit who threw a snowball at your face.
You kept looking around until your eyes met a short, blue jacket wearing skeleton with a snowball in his hand.

You crossed your arms and slowly started to walk towards the skeleton, "Sans did you throw a snowball at me?" Sans chuckled but didn't drop the snowball, "Nope, Why would ya think that?" His answer made you roll your eyes, "Because you're the only one here and that snowball in your hand is proof."

Sans looked at his hand, the two of you stood in silence for a few seconds. Your eyes began to burn, you somehow had forgotten to blink. You blinked to relieve the burn your eyes were producing. Once you had re-opened your eyes, Sans was a little closer to you, 'Did he move?' You took a closer look at him, especially his hand, the snowball was gone.

"There's no snowball in my hand buttercup." You checked his hand again, "But there wa- Wait buttercup?!" You repeated what Sans had called you.

Sans chuckled, "Yup, also I think you should turn around." You uncrossed your arms and curiously turned around, there was a snow ball hovering in mid air, it was surrounded by a blue aura. Before you could even blink the snowball flew towards you and hit you in the face.

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