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Samrat looked at him questioningly.
Sanskar-She wants "space".😔
He repeated the word like it was dirty.He wiped his hand on a napkin.

Samrat-Let me tell u something about women.
Sanskar groaned-No please...
Samrat-No really,listen to me.
Sanskar-No,u listen.I screwed up once before,& this time I'm straight shooting with her.Whatever game you're going to suggest I play,I'm not interested.I don't want to play games.
Samrat-It's all games,but that's not what I'm about to tell u.

Samrat accent thickened at this point.There were only 2 times Sanskar could think of when that happened:
1)When he flirted with a woman😎 &
2)When he was serious.😉😜

Samrat-Women always focus on the wrong things.For instance,no matter what u say,they obsessed with their weight.They're either too skinny or too fat😂.Mostly they think they're too fat--even the skinny ones.What they should really be worried about is all the nagging & talking they do,especially when you're trying to get some rest or watch the game on TV.Or God forbid you're on a long distance call with ur family & can't give them the attention they think they deserve.

Sanskar-Is this still about me.(poor Sanskar😂)
Samrat-Listen,women analyse every action,every comment.They drive us,& themselves crazy trying to interpret our actions & words.Instead of accepting them for what they are.The longer you're with them,the worst it gets.That's why I don't stick around long.
Sanskar-You do realize you're messing it up for the next guy when u do that to these women?
Samrat-His problem,not mine.😃😂
Samrat took a large gulp of beer.

Samrat-As I said,women focuss on wrong things,so u have to get Swara refocussed.U have to make her feel the same way when she met u in London.Take the focuss off the negative part of ur relationship--the bad ending--& remind her of positive.
While men get comfortable in a relationship,women are always trying to get back to that initial feeling--the excitment of when they first fell for u.That's why being with them is so much work😝😜.If u can get her back to that feeling,she'll eating out your hand.

Easier said than done,but it did make a little bit of sense.
Sanskar-U might be right.😀
Samrat-Of couse I'm right.Think back to what you did to make her fall for u.

Samrat had a point.Somehow he had to make Swara feel comfortable with him again & set aside her reservations.

"Did u love her?"she'd asked,wanting to know if he'd been in love with Kavita & still capabable of making love to her.

Samrat to Bartender-Excuse me.I'll take another beer,& I would like to buy the lady at the end another glass of whatever she's having.
Sanskar shook his head.Definately a gold medalist😉😜.

He watched the TV monitor above the bar.The combustible chemistry b/w him & Swara made him feel he needed to wear heat resistant coveralls around her.He guessed that was part of the problem.He needed to prove to her more than just s*x existed b/w them,even though it consisted of a mind-blowing variety he'd never experienced b4 her.

Although the speed at which their relationship had progressed suited him,if she felt they were moving too fast,he could slow down to match her pace.A little self-control could go a long way toward proving to her that they had something special,& she didn't have to worry about being hurt by him again.

The bartender placed Samrat's beer on the counter & handed him a folded napkin.
Bartender-She gave u her number.
Samrat frowned when he unfolded it.
Samrat-There r two numbers on here.
Girl-The second one is mine.
She winked & walked away to tend to another patron.

Smiling,Samrat tucked the napkin into his shirt pocket & turned to Sanskar.
Samrat-I love this country.😉😜😂

Precap-Sanskar's effort to make Swara fall for him again😉😍.


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