Chapter 18(6th year) Trouble

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Hermione giggling, dragged me down the flights of stairs to breakfast. "Sit down," she ordered me, "Well go on and eat already. Stop looking at me like that!"  I smirked at my gorgeous bookworm, "You're too beautiful! And weren't you the one who was held captive all morning, you eat!"  She raised her eyebrow at me and stabbed a pancake with her fork, adding it to her empty plate.  "Happy?" she joked, taking a dramatic bite out of the food.  "Yes," I pulled her hair out of her face. Hermione flashed me a smile, "Your turn." "Ok." I grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. She rolled her eyes and I stabbed my own pancake. "Happy?" I mimicked her. "I love you Draco."  "I love you too Hermione and I always will."  I startled her by leaning in quickly to kiss her.  She dropped her fork and after a moment returned my passion with her maple lips.  We rose from the table, kissing still, to retrieve our passes to enter class late.  "Why don't we just go back up, we already have permission to be late?" I begged.  "Draco! Mcgonnagal did not allow extra time for anything except getting food, she will not be pleased to hear that we took advantage of her trust in such a way!" Hermione freaked out.  I pouted, "Please.......just another half hour. For all she knows we are still eating and then forgot something in the Heads' dorm."  Hermione hesitated, seriously considering giving in.  "No."  "Aw come on! You're no fun!"  She lowered her voice, "Maybe later."  I grinned, "That's a good enough answer for me."  We walked into class, handed the professor our passes and awkwardly took our seats.  I could hear Weasley whisper to Harry, "They were probably snogging in their dorm all this time. I can't believe Hermione would agree to such trouble."  "Hey you're no one to judge you got detention for a month after Snape found you and Lavender. And you don't know what they were doing she probably overslept and got breakfast late, she did have permission, they had passes."  "I don't believe any of that rubbish, Ferret probably conjured them up so he would be off the hook."  My ears were burning, I didn't want to listen to this.  I felt Hermione squeeze my hand, I could tell she heard too, they were sitting right behind us.  I squeezed her hand back under the table. The professor blabbed on about something I didn't understand. All I cared about was Hermione, my beautiful girlfriend, my intelligent bookworm and the guy that was trying to tear her away from me. Stupid Weasel was trying so hard to get her back and insulting me, convincing her she would regret it. He doesn't see that she is here with me almost in tears, mid-lesson because he is speaking of her as if she flipped sides and was vandalizing, cutting class, and punching innocent kids here and there. When really all she was doing was enjoying the one person who will love her forever and embracing some emotion in her heart. He never made her laugh, he never asked if she needed anything, if she was hurting or sad, if she needed to talk to someone, he never comforted, or showed any passion for her. He was just there asking for answers and giving occasional pecks on the cheek to have a pretty girl on his arm. Hermione deserved so much better, she's not some accessory to make him look better she has needs too. He will never understand what true love is like. The bell rang and Weasel shoved past me before I could step away from my chair. P-Harry turned and apologized for him, saying he was just in a bad mood. Hermione looked like she was about to break down crying. I nodded to the door and she shook her head, wet eyes ready to rain, understanding my question. I took her by the hand and hurried to an empty classroom. I closed the door and locked it. She immediately barreled towards me and hugged me hard. I could feel the tears soaking into my shirt and she was shaking, sobbing, while I rubbed her back and pulled her hair out of her face. "Oh Mione, he's jealous and angry and he kidnapped you for goodness sake. You have every right to be upset and he has a reason to be selfish. It's not a very good one though. Weasley doesn't understand that this is better for you. He doesn't see how happy you are, all he sees is his tutor and arm candy gone. He doesn't deserve you Mione. You deserve affection and trust. He will never give that to you." I comforted. She wiped her eyes on my shirt and I didn't even care. I kissed her passionately before gathering our things and rushing to class.

Author's note: HE SHIPS IT IM DYING

Author's note: HE SHIPS IT IM DYING

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