Once Upon A Time (Roman)

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Once Upon A Time, in a far off kingdom called Thomas Sanders's house...

"Y/N, COME WATCH MOANA WITH ME!!!" Roman screamed from the living room.

You sighed, standing and walking to the living room to talk to your prince. "That'd be the third time this week you've watched Moana, Roman."

"But it's so goodddd! It's got Dw-"

"Dwayne Johnson, and Christopher Jackson, and Lin-Manuel Miranda. I know, I know," You groaned, unable to resist his overly-excited attitude.

You sat on the couch next to him, ready to start yet another hour filled with singing Disney songs together and crying over fictional characters.

And you all lived happily ever after.

The End.

Sorry it was short, but I thought it was cute!

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