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"Please don't do this," I sobbed, choking on my tears, "please." 

"I thought I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut?" he yelled, the gun still pointing at my head. 

I let out a small whimper, tears streaming down my face. I held my hands in the air as I shook uncontrollably. My heart was racing a mile a minute, and I felt as if I could pass out at any given moment. I bit my lip, trying to keep the sobs from escaping my quivering lips. All he would have to do is pull the trigger, and all life would leave my body. These could very well be my last few seconds, and they would be spent with a gun pointed to my head, and the love of my life standing next to me. 

I was just  a normal 16-year old girl. I worked hard in school, and I had maintained a straight A-average throughout my entire life. I spent a lot of my time behind closed doors, reading a book or studying for an exam I had coming up. I didn't really have many close friends, and I definitely didn't do parties. I didn't mind being alone most of the time- in fact, I genuinely enjoyed time by myself. It was just me and my dad- my mom had died when I was 6 years old. My dad and I have always had a very special relationship, and we went to each other for everything. He was always a very hardworking man, so I continually tried my best to stay away from anything that could potentially harm us. Growing up with not many friends and no siblings, I was always a very private person, therefore, I was never the type of girl for adventure or danger. 

Knowing these things, I'm sure you're wondering how I ended up here- A gun to my head, pleading for my life. But just sit tight, because I'm here to bring you all the way back to the beginning, where it all started. 

let me know what you guys think! this story is gonna be my main focus after madhouse (: I know this is super short but it's just to give you a little taste of the story before the full chapters come out. hope you guys like it!

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