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Millie's POV

I closed my locker as I threw my backpack over my shoulder. I tapped my fingers on the cold door, wondering where Finn could possibly be. He met me at my locker every morning, but this morning there was no sight of him. I bit my cheek, then decided to try calling him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly found his contact. After a couple rings, a familiar, but tired voice answered the phone. 

"Hey, gorgeous," Finn groaned. 

"Hey, where are you? I haven't seen you anywhere," I questioned.

"I got really sick in the middle of the night and felt like shit this morning so I stayed home... is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine, I was just wondering. I have to get to class, but I hope you feel better babe," I faintly smiled. 

"Don't have too much fun at Daniella's without me," he paused, "love you." 

I bit my lip as I blushed, still not used to hearing that after all this time. "Love you too." 

I hung up the phone and shoved it back in my pocket, walking to my first class of the day. Days here usually went by slowly, but it was much slower without Finn. Each class period slowly passed by until it was finally approaching the last period. This one went by quicker than the others, and the final bell had soon rung, signaling I could leave. Once I transferred my books into my locker, I left the building and began walking the familiar route to Daniella's. 

After a rather short walk, full of birds chirping and warm breezes, I made it to my destination. Once inside, I ordered my usual vanilla latte with extra whipped cream and made my way to the small table by the window. I sat down and unzipped my bag, pulling out a book. Weeks ago, I couldn't get through the day without reading. It was simply just a part of my daily routine, and it was something that had become a part of me. But that all changed when I met Finn. Because of him, I've hardly picked up a book in weeks. He was now the one thing that occupied my life. The one thing that brought me genuine happiness. 

I took a sip of my drink and licked the whipped cream off my lip as I opened the book. I immediately got lost in the words I read, falling back into my old ways. 


Sophia's POV

"Why the fuck are you so nervous?" Wyatt chuckled. 

"What? I'm not," I said, inhaling a shaky breath. 

"Well, it looks like Finn isn't with her so you're good to go," Jaeden said as he stared out the window. 

I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror and straightened out my clothes, trying to make them look presentable. I didn't really own nice clothes ever since I was a part of this group, so I had to try making it work. 

"And what are you doing exactly?" Dane asked. 

"Just talking becoming friends with her," I said as I exhaled. 

"Good. And if you-"

"If I blow the cover I'm done. Yeah, got it," I rolled my eyes as I opened the door, jumping out on to the sidewalk. 

"Don't try pulling any shit, Sophia. I swear to fucking God," Dane gritted his teeth. 

I closed the car door and looked in both directions, up and down the sidewalk. I then made my way to the front door of the coffee shop and opened it, the warm breeze following me inside. I walked up to the cashier and ordered a drink, all while eyeing Millie sitting at the table, reading her book. Once my drink was made, I slowly walked over to Millie, scanning all the other tables surrounding hers. 

"Millie? Is that you?" I tried my best to act surprised. 

She quickly looked up from her book, greeting me with a warm smile. "Oh, hey Sophia! I haven't seen you in weeks!"

"I know!" I laughed nervously. "Mind if I sit?" I gestured to the empty chair across from her. 

"Not at all," she smiled once more. She folded the corner of the page she was reading and closed her book, setting it aside. 

"How have you been?" She asked. 

"I've been pretty good... how are you and that date of yours?" I smiled. 

She laughed at the memory from a few weeks prior, when we first met after her date. "We're doing fantastic. He's a great guy," she looked down, her cheeks instantly turning pink. 

"That's really sweet," I smiled, "what's his name?" 

"Oh, his name is Finn," she bit her lip.

"I bet you guys are really cute together..." I trailed off, looking down at my drink. 

"Wait, where do you go to school?" 

My heart stopped. I hadn't even gone to school in over a year. "Oh, um, I go to a small school. It's in the suburbs. You've probably never heard of it," I shrugged it off.

"Oh, cool," Millie responded, taking a sip of her drink. 

After that, we talked for about 30 minutes longer. Small talk, mostly, but still really nice conversation. It hit me about halfway through the conversation how much I missed having a girl around. I've been around the boys everyday, so I don't even have a chance to make friends. Just talking to Millie for a short period time made me feel genuinely happy, as if a void was being filled. 

"You know, we should hang out more," I suggested. 

"Yeah, for sure!" She said excitedly. "I'll type in my number, you can just text me whenever." 

I handed her my phone which she took, quickly typing in the digits of her number. 

"And there you go," she smiled. 

"Perfect," I paused,  standing up from my warm seat, "I should probably get going." 

"It was really nice seeing you again, Sophia." 

"You too," I responded, a smile spread across my lips. "See you soon?" 

"For sure." 

"Alright, bye Millie!" I waved, already headed towards the door. 


I immediately walked back to the car where the three boys waited. Wyatt sat in his usual spot in the back seat, a hat covering his eyes as he slept. Jaeden, who sat in the driver's seat, swiped through his phone in silence. Then there was Dane, who sat with his arm hanging loosely out of the window and a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. As I closed the car door behind me, Wyatt immediately snapped his head up and the others swung themselves around to face me. 

"So how'd it go?" Jaeden asked. 

"It went well," I said breathlessly, trying to situate myself in the seat. 

"And?" Dane narrowed his eyes at me.

"And I think we're gonna hang out again soon." 

Dane nodded his head in response and turned himself back around. "Perfect." 

I bit my lip and threw my head back against the seat. I didn't want this. I didn't want any of this. Me and Millie's friendship had already begun to feel so real, yet it was all just a part of some dumb, fucking plan. I hated this more than anything, and it's breaking me apart knowing that there's nothing I can do. 

i promised myself i wouldn't post a chapter a night anymore but here i am oops 

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