final author's note

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thank you guys so much for the support on this story. i'm unbelievably grateful for every single person that has taken the time to read my work. i've invested so many hours into writing this story, and i'm honestly very proud of the turn out, and i hope you guys enjoyed reading it just as much as i loved writing it. i'm SO sorry for the sad ending (don't hate me- we'll get through it together) but i've actually had this story planned since the beginning and i think it goes to show how strong finn and millie's love was in the story. 

as you may have guessed, there will be no sequel to this story, unfortunately. because i genuinely don't think it would go anywhere and i think this story has a really strong ending! 

sorry about me just rambling, but thank you if you took an extra minute to read this. (: love you guys and let me know what you think of this story! you can comment or dm me at @ cloudymillie on Instagram. 

new story coming soon! happy reading!

x molly 

p.s. I LOVE when you guys post about this story more than anything, it truly means the world to me. all I ask is that you don't give away the ending for future readers(: 

guns & roses / fillieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora