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Millie's POV

I took a sip from my usual coffee order and placed the warm mug back on the table, licking the whipped cream off my top lip. I looked at Finn as I did all of this, who intently stared down at his caramel frappuccino on the table. His eyes were puffy from crying, and dry tears soaked his face.

"So now what?" I asked.

He shook his head gently, continuing to look down. "Nothing, I guess."

"We'll figure this out, okay? Everything will be alright, Finn." I reached over and squeezed his hand that rested on the table.

"No, it's- what if they find me, Mills? What if they find-" he stopped stirring his drink and looked up at me, worry in his eyes, "what if they find us?"

I sighed, moving my hand back over to me. I folded my arms and rested them on the table and stared at him. "They won't find us, Finn, I promise. It's a big city."

He bit his cheek, then took a sip of his frappuccino. "Can we do something tonight?"

"Of course, what do you wanna do?"

"I think I just wanna go for a drive, see where we end up."

I smiled at him. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go."

He stood up and reached his hand out. I grabbed his hand and lifted myself up, when he then wrapped his arm tightly around me.


The sun was already beginning to set, and the lights of the city were slowly coming to life. I stared at Finn in the driver's seat and smiled as blaring music filled the car. He had a smile on his face as he drove with his eyes forward. He moved his hand over and placed it on my thigh, rubbing it gently. His eyes twinkled as the city lights began to surround us. Who knew a girl like me would find the love of her life at just 16 years old?

"Going anywhere in particular?" I asked, placing my hand on top of his as it continued to sit on my thigh.

"Not really," he looked over, "just enjoying this beautiful city with my beautiful girlfriend."

I laughed and looked away, shaking my head.

"Well then let's start enjoying it," I smiled. I pressed a button that opened the sun roof to the car, revealing the tall buildings that surrounded us. I unbuckled my seat belt and lifted myself up. The warm wind immediately hit my face, blowing my short brown locks behind me. I placed my hands on the top of the car and leaned my head back and closed my eyes, smiling. I continued to deeply inhale and exhale, taking in the life of the beautiful city that we live in. Finn then turned up the music louder, putting me in a trance. I threw my hands in the air and placed them on my head, my smile growing even larger.

"Life is a beautiful thing with you, Finn Wolfhard," I shouted.

"As with you, Millie Brown," he shouted back. I didn't even have to see him to know that he had his usual, big smile spread across his face.


We pulled up to a beach. Lights reflected across the water of the small, empty beach. He turned off the car and walked around, opening the car door for me. He interlaced his fingers with mine as he closed the door. We both threw off our shoes and walked down, the cold sand seeping through our toes. He took a seat in the sand, grabbing me and sitting me in between his legs. My back rested against his chest, our slow breaths in sync. I felt his heart beating against my upper back, making me smile. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, and I held his arms in return, rubbing them with my hands.

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