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Millie's POV

"Why the fuck is Sophia tied up?" Dane asked at the doorway, pushing past Finn. He was looking at the two other boys, whose names I learned were Jaeden and Wyatt.

"Because she was trying to screw up the plan. She didn't want Millie to get tied up," Wyatt said, looking over at Sophia with an annoyed look on his face.

"Untie her."

Wyatt rolled his eyes and walked over to Sophia, moving her away from the wall and untying her hands. He grabbed her arm to pull her up, but she quickly pushed it away. "Go to hell, Wyatt," she muttered. She stood up and brushed the dust off of her, walking off.

Finn continued to stand in horror. He stared at me, fear very visible in his eyes. I bit my lip to try stopping the tears, but it was no use. I was terrified, and there was no point in hiding it anymore.

"Let her go, Dane," Finn yelled angrily, walking towards him.

"Woah, not so fast," Dane held out his arm, smirking, "we're just getting started."

This caused Finn to get even angrier. He shoved Dane, getting nothing but a careless laugh out of him. I sat for a few moments, watching the scene unfold, when it hit me. I was too caught up in everything happening to even realize- these were the people Finn was telling me about. These were the people he ran away from. Dane... he was the guy. The guy that destroyed Finn. I looked down as tears fell from my eyes. These people were capable of murder.

"Hey, Wyatt," Dane asked, still looking at Finn and smirking, "mind handing me that gun?" Wyatt walked over and placed the gun in his hands. Dane broke his stare with Finn and looked down at the gun, grazing his hand over it. He then looked over at me, as I was still sitting against the wall. He slowly made his way over to me and lifted me to my feet. He stood uncomfortably close to me, his alcohol-smelling breath hitting me in the face.

"I'm sure you remember me, don't you?" He asked sweetly. I did. All too well.

"Wait, you guys have met each other?" Finn asked.

"We sure did," Dane smiled, "in fact, it was after your little date. She went into the diner crying so I figured I'd cheer her up. Even bought her a drink." He spoke proudly of the memory, making my heart sink even more.

"Do you want anything?" Dane smiled.

"I'll just get a vanilla latte with extra whipped cream," I said quietly, looking at the waitress.

"I'll get a black coffee, all on me."

"Oh, you don't have to pay-"

"Don't worry about it."

Finn looked over at me. Although his face was blank, his eyes were showing much more- fear, anger, sadness. "He was the guy?" Finn spoke, but in a much softer tone than before.

"We just talked, Finn. He seemed like a nice guy and then-"

"Then what?"

I raised my eyebrow, a small smile spread across my parted lips, shocked at his sudden jealousy. "We talked, Finn. He bought me a drink and we talked, nothing more. He seemed older than me, anyways."

"I didn't know," my voice broke as I shook my head.

"You got lucky, Wolfhard," Dane said staring at me, "she's a pretty one." With the hand in which he held the loaded gun, he brushed the hair that stuck to my face behind my ear, sending a round of chills down my spine. I had never been this close to a gun. A loaded gun.

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