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Finn's POV

"Finn!" I heard a familiar voice yell behind me. Without hesitation, I turned around to be welcomed by warm arms wrapping tightly around my neck. She immediately pecked me on the lips, smiling into the kiss. My heart fluttered every time we kissed, and it had already been well over a month.

"Why hello, gorgeous," I greeted her.

"Why hello, handsome. I missed you," she continued to smile her beautiful smile.

"I just saw you yesterday," I laughed, staring down at her. I was much taller than her, but I didn't mind. Neither of us did.

"I know, but I didn't get to see you after school," she responded, her soft pink lips forming a fake pout. God, I love this girl. How did I get so lucky?

"Well," I smirked, "then let's do something tonight. Just the two of us."

"Hmm," she hummed, playfully biting her lip. She pushed gently against my chest as I stood against the row of dark red lockers. "I think I like the sound of that."

"Yeah?" I cooed, leaning in closer. Our foreheads touch, but a small gap still existed between our lips. My hands were placed tightly on her hips as she lightly tugged on my dark curls. Her breathing was light and settle as she smiled, barely any distance between our lips. I swear, every time she smiled, I fell even more in love with her.

"Yes," she whispered, her breath hitting me gently. I smiled at this response and immediately closed the gap that existed between us, locking my lips with her soft ones. After a moment, the bell rang, causing her to pull away from me. She had a big smile spread across her lips as she picked up her bag off the ground.

"Ready for some geometry?" She slowly began to back up, holding her hand out. I closed my locker and interlaced my fingers with hers. "Let's do this."


I waited for my order to be served patiently- a vanilla latte with extra whipped cream and a caramel frappuccino. I tapped my foot anxiously as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 8:34. "Shit," I muttered to myself. I told her 8:30. Soon after, the two drinks had been put on the counter and I immediately grabbed them, walking quickly to my car. I put the drinks in the cup holder and drove off in the direction of Millie's house.

After a few minutes, I pulled up to her house and she ran out, closing the door behind her. She wore a long-sleeved, dark gray sweater dress and her hair was naturally curled. She smiled as she ran down to my car. Once again, the most beautiful smile in the world. But it was different this time. It was the most genuinely happy, most beautiful smile I've ever seen on someone. It was a smile that sent butterflies through my stomach, and made my heart beat faster than it was already. I exited my car and she sped up her pace, jumping into my arms. I picked her up, my arms wrapped tightly around her as she squealed. Her arms were wrapped around my neck as I held her tightly against me. I put her down and she immediately cupped my face and kissed me. The warmth of her lips sent chills throughout my body. I pulled away, a smile spread across my lips. "You're in a good mood," I said.

"Of course I am," she smiled, "I get to spend my whole Friday night with you."

"You sure do," I said, pecking her lips lightly. "Ready to go?"

I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked her to the other side of the car and opened the door for her. As she was about to take a seat, she paused. She instantly looked up at me, flashing me a blushy smile. "Are these for me?" She asked innocently, referring to the red roses that sit in the seat.

"Of course. Some beautiful roses for my beautiful girl."

"Oh, Finn Wolfhard," she said, taking the small bouquet into her hands and taking a seat. "You're something else."

I closed the car door behind her and ran back to the driver's side and climbed in. "Oh, and a vanilla latte. Extra whipped cream, of course."

"Why thank you, Finn Wolfhard," she gasped playfully, taking the drink into her hands.

"It's my pleasure, Millie Brown." I drove off, taking our usual route to the McCormick Place. We took in every moment of the drive, enjoying each other's company. We laughed and smiled the whole time, listening to music in the background.

"No, I swear," I laughed as I pulled up in front of the building, "he wiped out in front of everyone. It was not a pleasant sight."

"That's awful," she giggled, "that poor thing." We both laughed hysterically as we unbuckled our seat belts. We both climbed out of the car and headed into the tall, familiar building. By now, Joe was used to us coming. He didn't mind at all when we showed up, and was more than happy to let us up, knowing we wouldn't try pulling anything.

Soon after we entered the building, we made it to the top. I opened the heavy, gray door, a warm breeze hitting us as the door swung open. I held the door open for Millie and allowed to her to walk out in front of me. We both made our way over to the familiar ledge and took a seat, our legs dangling over the buildings just below us. The McCormick Place was one of the tallest buildings in the city, meaning we had a beautiful view of everything below us. I stared at Millie as the astonishing lights of the city reflected in her light brown eyes.

"Hey, Mills?"

She quickly looked over at me as if I interrupted her thoughts, but gave me her full attention. "Yeah?"

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

She looked back down at her dangling legs, her cheeks instantly turning a shade of dark pink. Her red lips formed a smile as she shook her head. "I'll never get used to you saying that."

I smiled at her as I placed my hand on hers, which was rested on the ledge. She stayed silent for a few moments, then she laid her head down on my shoulder. The only things I could hear were her gently breaths and the cars driving in the streets far down below us. It was beautiful, actually. It was a beautiful silence that I enjoyed every moment of.

"Hey, Finn?"

"Yes?" I asked, my head rested gently on hers.

"Do you ever think about the future, and," she paused, "us?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, just like... where we're gonna end up?"

"All I know is that we're gonna end up together," I said quietly. I knew she was smiling to herself at my response. She stayed quiet for a few moments until she broke the silence once more.



She lifted her head and looked me straight in the eye, a serious yet gentle expression on her face. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight, and her red lipstick continued to catch my attention. "Will you ever leave me?" She spoke softly. There was a sort of sadness in her eyes, but she wasn't showing it clearly.

"Of course not, Mills. I would never, ever leave you."


"Promise." I grabbed her face in my hands and looked at her reassuringly. "I'll always be side your side, Mills."

To this response she smiled faintly, grabbing my hands that were rested on her cheeks. She lowered them and held them as she spoke.

"I love you so much, Finn Wolfhard," she said in a whisper, but just loud enough for me to hear it.

"I love you so much more, Millie Brown."

And with this, I leaned in and kissed her. She immediately brought her hands up and placed them in my hair, tugging gently on my dark curls. I held on to her tightly, trying my best to keep in mind that we were hundreds of feet in the air. Our lips danced together as the warm wind hit our faces. We continued to kiss, not wanted to break the connection we had. This kiss wasn't like the others. It was like our first kiss all over again, maybe even better. Everything was in slow-motion, and the only thing that mattered was us. I never wanted to let her go. She was mine, and always would be.
God, am I in love with this girl.

A/N: a cute fluffy chapter before stuff starts going down, enjoy! ((:

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