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Sophia's POV

I stared at the bloody body in horror. I tried to keep a calm expression on my face, but on the inside, it was pure madness. My blood had gone cold, and my heart was in my stomach. I folded my arms to hide the fact that I was shaking, and bit my lip to cover the quivering. Finn and Dane had been arguing, but I couldn't focus on a word that was being spoken. 

As Dane, Jaeden, and Wyatt began to file out of the room, I looked over at Finn, trying to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes. He stared back at me, his face full of guilt. I turned on my heels and began to walk out of the room, Finn following behind. My head was pounding, the alcohol still having an effect on me from the night before. How could I have gotten involved in something like this?

"Jesus Christ, Sophia, are you even listening?" Dane snapped. 

"Hm?" I shook my head. "What? Yeah, I'm listening." 

Wyatt swirled his coffee around in the paper cup, staring down at the warm liquid. I stared down, as well, picking at the plastic lid of my cup. Jaeden, who sat in the driver's seat, took a sip of his coffee and looked over at Dane, who stared forward at the deserted, Sunday night streets. 

"We need a plan," Jaeden stated. 

"Say we get Millie, or whatever her name is, then what? Take her back to Vancouver?" Wyatt said. He pulled at the curls on top of his head as he spoke, which had always been an anxious habit of his.  

"Finn would be on to us," Jaeden said, leaning back in his seat. 

I continued to look down at the cup in my lap. Millie was just like me. She didn't deserve any of this. I knew there was nothing I could do, but deep down inside, it was killing me. 

"I've got a plan," Dane muttered. 

He shifted in his seat, turning around to look me dead in the eye. "And you're a big part of it, Sophia." A small, devious smirk spread across his lips, leaving a pit in my stomach. 

"W-what do I have to do?" I spoke softly.

"Well," Dane said, putting his coffee down in the cup holder, "you said you've met Millie, right?" 

"Um, yeah, just once." 

I tried to speak confidently, but my heart was beating out of my chest. 

"Well, your part is simple. You just have to become friends with her."

"Wh- um, what do you mean?" 

"Just become friends with her. Hang out with her, talk about whatever girls talk about with her, that's it. Just become friends with her."

"That's it?" I asked, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"For right now, yeah. I'll tell you the rest of the plan when it's time," Dane said, "she goes to Daniella's everyday after school. You'll start tomorrow."

"But doesn't she normally go with Finn?" 

"If he's there, don't go in. You can't blow this." 

I knew there was gonna be a catch. There was more than just "becoming friends with her", and there's something he's purposely not telling me. 

"So if she's alone, I go in and talk to her, but if Finn's there, I wait?" 

"That's the plan." Dane turned back around in his seat, facing forward. He flipped off the lid of his empty coffee cup as he reached to his side, pulling up a bottle of alcohol. He managed to remove the cap with no problem, then started pouring the liquid in. This had become his usual routine everyday, and when Dane was drunk, he was usually quite violent and angry. 

I nodded and looked back down. I dragged my finger lightly along the rim of my coffee lid.

"But I swear to fucking God, Sophia, if you blow our cover, you're done." 

My eyes instantly found their way back to his. He stared at me in all seriousness, anger showing in his eyes. 

"O-okay, I won't," I stuttered. I resumed back to the activity of tracing my finger over the lid, biting my lip. 

I was just starting my freshman year when I met Dane. I was 15 years old at the time, while he was 18 and a senior in high school. It was the last Saturday of summer before school started, and a huge party was being held at my best friend's brother's house. Her brother was a senior, as well, just like Dane. I had never been much of a party person. I went to a couple in the past, but nothing too special. But then there was this party, which my best friend, Maddie, begged me to go to. Maddie was much more outgoing than I was, and even though we were still quite young, she had already experienced a ton. After days of begging me to go to the party, I finally agreed. I needed to start off high school on the right foot, after all. But god, if only I never went to that damn party. If I never went, I never would've even had to lay my eyes on Dane.

Wyatt immediately disrupted my thoughts by breaking the silence. "So what do we do during all of this?" Wyatt asked, leaning forward once more. 

"Exactly what we've been doing. We wait in here and plan. We don't come in until later." 

"And what exactly are we gonna do when we come in?" Jaeden cut in. He looked over at Dane, who had already begun taking countless sips out of his coffee cup.

"You'll know when it's time. For now, we do this one step at a time. We're just starting off with Sophia, then our plan is set." 

"Um," I said, "we're not gonna hurt her, right?" I looked up and waited for an answer, not sure if I really wanted one. 

At that moment, Dane smiled. A smile that sent chills down my spine. My heart started beating at a rapid pace as goosebumps ran up my arms. It was a smile that I was much too familiar with.

"Like I said," Dane spoke through his smirk, "you'll know when it's time." 

A/N: so sorry for the short chapter, but we're starting to learn more about Sophia, yay! what are your guys' thoughts so far?🤔

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